A plugin for a /commands command to show available commanda via Permissions?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by discoverdan, Nov 25, 2011.

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    Exactly what the title says, I'd like a plugin so when a player uses /commands they can see what commands they're allowed to use using PermissionsEx.

    Is this possible? Thanks.
  2. Offline


    It was possible in HMod, however, not in Bukkit.
    Instead, you can setup a "Help" plugin to show players what commands they have access to.

    I recommend using HelpPages; it allows you define help pages in a config file, then specify which permission-groups get access to each page. For example, let's say you have 3 groups called "Default," "Moderators," and "Admins." You could make page 1 and 2 basic commands everyone, including "Default"s, have access to. Page 3 and 4 would be "Moderator" specific commands, and 5 would be "Admin" only commands.
    Then, using the config file in HelpPages, you could allot "Default"s access to pages 1 and 2, "Moderators" access to pages 1-4, and "Admins" access to pages 1-5.
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