A player drops when moves

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by bluehasia, Jul 15, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    i have a player that gets endofstream nothing shows in logs to give a clue to why. he can log in talk but the second he moves get kicked. no one else seems to have this issue on my server?
  2. Offline


    Bad connection? Does he have a modded client?
  3. Offline


    i walked through him with
    checking he did not moddify his minecraft.exe
    we tried spoutcraft.exe, i checked the version to be ok with my spout plugin
    he can log into another server he says
  4. Offline


    Does he live far away from the server? Is your server running on a default port? (25565) The reason I am asking is because I had a player that was lagging and kept getting disconnected when he would connect to a server not a default port. When I switched it to the default port on the same IP he was fine. (he also lived very far from the server) This is a long shot, but worth asking.
  5. Offline


    yes default port. and not 100% sure where he lives. he can stay logged into the game and chat but the second he moves is when he disconnects
  6. Offline


    Unless it's something with permissions or his client/connection I have no idea. Free bump for you.
  7. Offline


    ya im stumped on this i turned off the 4 plugins i updated also and he still disconnected that night. and its only him. i would say dns error but he can connect but cant move. so last i told him was wait 24 hours and see if problem persists
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