A new spin on PVP plugins... willing to donate to have this made.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by AndyFox42, Feb 12, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Hello all,

    I am posting here in the hopes that I can convince a plugin developer to take on this project. I am one of the owners of a large server. As a server owner, I have found one of the most challenging things for me is keeping everybody happy. Specifically, I find that many players have different opinions about how they would like to see PVP handled on the server.


    I started my server about 8 months ago. It started small, but it has gotten very large since then. Since the server launched, I have made a few changes to our PVP policies. At first, PVP was globally forbidden. Some players began to express their desire to PVP, so I decided to add a plugin that allowed players to toggle it on or off. This didn't end up working very well, because people would constantly toggle pvp off/warp to their home/log off when they were about to die. Realizing that this hadn't really done anything to solve the problem, I adopted a new strategy. I decided to prohibit PVP in towns (which I accomplished via worldguard regions with the pvp flag turned off) but allow it outside of those safe areas. Again, this solution did not please everybody. Many of the peace-loving players expressed dissatisfaction with being forced to live in a town to be safe, and stated that they didn't want to risk losing materials should they venture off to build something new on their own outside in the wilderness. The PVP players loved it because they had tons of people to kill, but my problem was still nto solved. Finally, I decided to take drastic measures. I created another world on my server, using multiverse. One world had free hardcore PVP (killing, stealing, raiding, even griefing all allowed) while the other remained PVP-free. Still, the players are not satisfied, as they feel the PVP world was underpopulated. This has once again sent me back to the drawing board, but now I think I have a solution.


    I propose a new PVP plugin. Though many of the features I am about to describe exist in one plugin or another, there is no single plugin that include all of them (as far as I know.)

    I would like a plugin that allows players to toggle PVP on or off. I would like the ability to set, in a config file, what the default setting is (i.e. on unless you turn it off vs. off unless you turn it on.)

    I would like the plugin to prevent a player from using any commands (i.e. /home, /warp, /tp) within 15 seconds of hitting another player or being hit by one.

    I would like the plugin to have some way of punishing players for logging out within 15 seconds of hitting another player or being hit, but I'm not sure how this would be best accomplished.

    I would like the player's pvp to remain enabled for a configurable time period (I'm thinking maybe around 60-90 minutes) after it is toggled on. In other words, once you turn it on, you can't turn it off right away even if you want to.

    I would like pvp to be turned on automatically (including the above cooldown timer preventing toggling it off) if you strike another player

    I would like the player to be able to place a bounty on another player.

    I would like players to be able to specify any reward they care to pay for the kill when they add another user to the hit list.

    I would like the plugin to broadcast to the server when a hit listed player is killed, announcing who killed them and how much they got for it. The option to configure the colors used in this message would be ideal, as many of the messages on my server are configured to use the same colors ( &b and &e respectively.)

    I would like the target player to have PVP forced on when a hit is placed on them, and have it remain on for as long as they are on the hit list.

    I would like to make it impossible to hit list a player again after they have just been listed/killed. This should be a configurable time, but I'm thinking it shouldn't be possible to issue a hit on somebody again for at least two hours, possibly even longer.

    I would like this plugin to be compatible with iconomy 6, which is running on my server. For the record, my server is also running Register 1.5

    I would like this plugin to be compatible with Towny. I realize that Towny regions carry flags to allow or prevent PVP. I may be wrong, but I assume this means that PVP (even if toggled on) will still not be possible in Towny regions with pvp flagged as off. That's ok with me, as long as this plugin is properly functional in "wilderness" areas which are all the chunks not within a town.

    I would like this plugin to be compatible with GroupManager, which is my server's chosen permissions utility.

    I would love it if this plugin was capable of keeping a master scoreboard. It would be cool to see the players with the most kills, the players who have been added to the hit list the most times, the players that have racked up the total amount of bounty rewards, the players who have generated the most hit money by being hitlisted for the highest price, etc.


    I realize this is a long email, and I hope I haven't put everybody to sleep. Like I said, many of these features exist, but I don't want to have to add numerous plugins to get them. Also, there is no combination of plugins that will automatically turn PVP on when a bounty is placed on a player, or force it to stay on for a predetermined length of time once enabled.

    If somebody were able to design this plugin to all of the above specifications, I would happily donate. Please contact me to discuss what size donation you would like for this job. Like I said, I run a very large server and I would be showcasing your work to hundreds of people every day. I'd be happy to make a video for your plugin/dev bukkit page as well as giving your plugin lots of publicity.

    Thanks in advance!!
  2. Offline



    I'll quote $35 for this. I can do everything you're asking, and more. Let me know if you're interested. If you are, I can have it done by earlier than this time tomorrow.
  3. Offline


    Bumping this. The above poster hasn't responded to my PM. Anybody else?
  4. Offline


    Sorry, didn't mean to blow you off there. I'm quite busy with other requests at the moment. If you haven't found anyone by the time I'm free, I'll still do it. I'll message you then.
  5. Offline


    I'll see what I can do. I won't start until tomorrow, at the earliest, I have one other request. What did you feel like paying? I'm not demanding anything, I'll do it for what you want to pay, but how much are you thinking?
  6. Offline


    Bumping thread in the hopes that I can find somebody to do this.

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