a GUI?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Daniel Bang, Jan 31, 2011.

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  1. Offline

    Daniel Bang

    are there no GUI's for bukkit? like the MCAdmin got for example.. im really getting tired of looking at the ugly-*** commandoprompt :S
  2. Offline


    I like looking at my beautiful command prompt. What could you possibly need a gui for?
  3. Offline

    Daniel Bang

    for looking cpu ussage and stuff.. + i just h8 command prompt? makes me sad looking at it
  4. Offline


    The resource usage on the GUI is inaccurate at best. Perhaps if they fixed that it would be worth while.
  5. Offline

    Daniel Bang

    so.. there is no GUI?
  6. Offline


    If you run your server without the nogui option, I *think* it will show a gui (to be honest, I've never tried CraftBukkit without the nogui option.) I know the vanilla server has a gui if you run it without the nogui option.

    For example:
    java -Xincgc -Xmx1G -jar craftbukkit.jar
  7. Offline

    Daniel Bang

    where do i type that? in my bat i have this:
    @echo off
    "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar craftbukkit.jar
  8. Offline


    I guess it's not in CraftBukkit, as that command should show it if it existed.

    It's probably low priority, but a good idea, provided it gave accurate information.
  9. Offline

    Daniel Bang

    but how do i disable the nogui on craftbukkit then? :S
  10. Offline


    I mean to say, the command you are running already has the GUI enabled (aka, the nogui option isn't there. The nogui option should disable the gui, so leaving it out should mean it would show up.)

    Hence I guess there is no gui in Bukkit at all.
  11. Offline

    Daniel Bang

  12. Offline


    I guess it is related, but I heard MCMyAdmin now supports Bukkit...
  13. Offline

    Daniel Bang

    yeh but.. MCMyAdmin wont make a GUI.. just a website for it
  14. Offline


    I liked MCAdmin and Visual Admin because it made it easier to manage users, groups, plugins and permissions. Also it automatically checked for the latest updates which would be good considering how often a new bukkit build is available. I also liked that it could minimise to the tray.
  15. Offline

    Daniel Bang

    uhh.. there is a plugin called BukkitUp that does exact same thing for Bukkit?.. (the updating part).. and yeah.. i wish bukkit had a user system too
  16. Offline


    It will have a user/group system. Still being worked on.
  17. Offline


    Since there are no users, groups or real permissions (just ops.txt) in the basic Bukkit server, you're not going to have much use for the GUI.
    It is very easy to auto-update CraftBukkit upon server startup, in Linux at least. (This script updates the server, and all my plugins to the latest version upon startup). All you need to do is remember what time you started your server, and you'll know what build you are running.
    wget "http://artifacts.lukegb.com/artifactory/plugins-snapshot/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"
    rm craftbukkit.jar
    mv craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar craftbukkit.jar
    echo "Downloaded Latest Version of Craftbukkit!"
    wget "http://artifacts.lukegb.com/artifactory/plugins-snapshot/org/bukkit/bukkit-scrap/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/bukkit-scrap-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"
    rm plugins/bukkit-scrap.jar
    mv bukkit-scrap-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar plugins/bukkit-scrap.jar
    echo "Downloaded Latest Version of Scrapbukkit!"
    wget "http://dl.dropbox.com/u/49805/MinecartManiaCore.jar"
    rm plugins/MinecartManiaCore.jar
    mv MinecartManiaCore.jar plugins/MinecartManiaCore.jar
    echo "Downloaded Latest Version of Minecart Mania!"
    wget "http://dl.dropbox.com/u/49805/MinecartManiaAutocart.jar"
    rm plugins/MinecartManiaAutocart.jar
    mv MinecartManiaAutocart.jar plugins/MinecartManiaAutocart.jar
    echo "Downloaded Latest Version of Minecart Mania Autocart!"
    wget "http://dl.dropbox.com/u/49805/MinecartManiaSignCommands.jar"
    rm plugins/MinecartManiaSignCommands.jar
    mv MinecartManiaSignCommands.jar plugins/MinecartManiaSignCommands.jar
    echo "Downloaded Latest Version of Minecart Mania Sign Commands!"
    wget "http://dl.dropbox.com/u/49805/MinecartManiaStation.jar"
    rm plugins/MinecartManiaStation.jar
    mv MinecartManiaStation.jar plugins/MinecartManiaStation.jar
    echo "Downloaded Latest Version of Minecart Mania Station"
    wget "http://minerealm.com/plugins/antibreak/bukkit/AntiBreak.jar"
    rm plugins/AntiBreak.jar
    mv AntiBreak.jar plugins/AntiBreak.jar
    echo "Downloaded Latest Version of AntiBreak!"
    wget "http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1735501/Warp/1.4/Warp.jar"
    rm plugins/Warp.jar
    mv Warp.jar plugins/Warp.jar
    echo "Downloaded Latest Version of SimpleWarp!"
    wget "http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6908373/BackupPlugin/latest/BackupPlugin.jar"
    rm plugins/BackupPlugin.jar
    mv BackupPlugin.jar plugins/BackupPlugin.jar
    wget "http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19120524/SlowHealth.jar"
    rm plugins/SlowHealth.jar
    mv SlowHealth.jar plugins/SlowHealth.jar
    echo "Downloaded Latest Version of Slow Health!"
  18. Offline

    Daniel Bang

    i would like a GUI anyways.. i get sick of watching the stupid prompt..
  19. Offline


    You need a prettier terminal then. ;)
  20. Offline

    Daniel Bang

    well.. i would like to get one where it says CPU usage and such.. and how did u get it to auto check for plugin updates? oO
  21. Offline


    Read my post a couple above that last one. Using a simple wget command, you can have it download the latest plugin (most plugin devs have a static link to their plugins), as well as the lastest CraftBukkit builds.

    It's not fancy. It doesn't do any MD5 check against the source first to see if there is anything new. It will always re-download the file (so excessive stopping and starting the server will generate a decent amount of download bandwidth usage), and won't tell you the build number of CraftBukkit before it downloads, but it works like a hot damn for getting "latest" of everything.
    Then it's up to my memory to check http://bamboo.lukegb.com/browse/BUKKIT-CRAFTBUKKIT/ first before I restart, so I know what the build number I've downloaded actually is (or I can use the zgrep command to find it too).

    It works so well I often don't bother to download anything manually anymore. A single plugin of mine is updated? Restart my server and let it download everything new! Its allowed me to get a little lazy with things.
  22. Offline


    I guess a plugin could display a GUI actually.
  23. Offline

    Daniel Bang

    tnt.. where do i lay that file in?
  24. Offline


    I put that all above the command that runs the server. The next line in the file is just simply the line that starts your server (aka java -Xingc -Xmx1G... etc etc etc)
  25. Offline

    Daniel Bang

    @echo off
    java -Xmx30M -Xms30M -XX:MaxPermSize=40M -jar Minecraft_RKit.jar Admin:******

    thats what im using
  26. Offline


    That makes no sense to me. Is this a program that you use to launch CraftBukkit? (Is this MCAdmin or something?)
    Also, I'm guessing that's a .bat file too, right? You're using Windows?
  27. Offline

    Daniel Bang

    yeh, its a bat, im using remote-toolkit thing so that i can manage my server on a little web interface thing.. but thats only restarts and such
  28. Offline


    For Windows, you'd need some program like this to use the wget command. You'll also need to modify the commands used to reflect Windows CLI instead of Linux CLI commands. (del instead of rm, move instead of mv).
  29. Offline


    I don't have issues with command prompts but GUIs look cooler. I like the memory usage, cpu usage, players online, etc. Similar to McMyadmin but just an app, not a web service.

    My server window is borring...
  30. Offline


    lol: Windows. :p
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