A few questions about mobspawning, terrain generation and block-blocking

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by jimbo8, Nov 16, 2013.

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    On my server, we will have tons of different worlds.
    We are going to have survival, PvP, build, creative etc.

    Now, i figured out that i will also make a world that kinda sends you back to the good old alpha!
    So, i got a few questions;

    • How do i make it so that friendly mobs spawn in torchlight on nighttime?
    • Terrain generation. Where do i start? I want to remove jungle-biomes, strongholds, villages etc.
    • Removing blocks from "recipes"(block users from crafting them), i think i know a way to do this, but i'm not too sure.
    • Last, but not least, how do i remove running? I guess i'll just cancel the running event
    I have already fixed insta-eat and working on making the food not go down, and also not heal the player.
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    1) Okay, i guess i'll wait until someone else figures it out
    2) I have no idea how, i guess i will have to use a plugin to save a lot of time
    3) Thanks, figured out how to do it myself, though.

    Also, does anyone have a list of how much health every food-item healed in Alpha?
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    I guess i'm allowed to bump this now...

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