4.1 so fare so good for me great works guys and gals

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by beals1pt0, Oct 29, 2012.

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    sorry goofed the title version 1.4.2

    10-29 02:33:35 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.4.2
    2012-10-29 02:33:35 [INFO] Loading properties
  2. Offline


    You really didn't need to post your server.log...

    And you're on offline mode.
    ---Incoming bonbardment---
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    wow you don't have to be like that i shared the log just for my plugin list and 2 i do have a paid for copy of the game but i understand not every one can wast money on games so have it i have it open
  5. Offline


    so if you didnt have enough money for ice cream, you would steal it?
  6. Offline


    Minecraft is cheap, I would have spent much more money on it. Giving away free servers is like saying "collect your 20$ for free here!" :p
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