1.3.1 setrank plugin that works with permissionsEX please help.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by rektok, Aug 10, 2012.

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    hey folks, im having some trouble.
    i found a setrankPEX plugin, BUT, when i look at the plugin the owner of the plugin says that he wont update the plugin, so.... what do i do?
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    If the plugin author says he's not going to update, well... he's not gonna update I guess. You're relying on a person to make you something for no pay pretty much, so you're at his mercy (for good reason) whether you like it or not.​
    You're in better luck though if he's offered up the source code as a plugin developer who is nice enough can take the code and modify it for compatibility. You can ask a friend or around here for help with that.​
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    ok, thanks for your help :)
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