Comments on Profile Post by treedweller

  1. Zaros
    The bukkit server sends it to individual's minecraft clients, so I don't understand what your asking about. Single player?
    Jun 22, 2011
  2. treedweller
    SMP, when I run the bukkit server without any plugins, chat from players comes through the server window. So I don't have to be logged into the game to chat with players.

    However when I use IRCTransport, the chat from players only comes through IRC and not the bukkit server window.

    Do you know how to make the chat log run through both IRC and the bukkit server?
    Jun 23, 2011
  3. Zaros
    So display in console?
    Jun 23, 2011
  4. treedweller
    Jun 24, 2011
  5. Zaros
    Need to talk to the dev about that, not me. It has to be added into the IRCTransport plugin file.
    Jun 24, 2011