ok... i hope you can understand it... i'm german so english is difficult for me.
1. the ability to chose special people who only can use the target npc, like a personal quest-giver
(2. i dont know, if you done it already) Questchains for one Npc and a questchain with more than one npc
3. the ability to look for the npc-quest and say no, i dont want this... (i dont know if it is possible to do it with the questers)
4. the ability to say an ID in the config... foor example: NPC 1,9,72 give this quest to you.
5. the ability to give different quests to npcs with the same name
6. (second time, i dont know if its already done) wehn you complete a quest you unlock an npc with another quest or override the target npc's quest for taht player to chose if you want the next quest...
8. quests for different user-groups (with permissions)
What i meen is, that only the group with the permission can use the quest on this npc
This would be cool, if you have classes on the server so that a rouge is not allowed to do the quest of an npc from an npc with the permission you can chose or something linke that... like CriticalHits, wehre you can chose your own permission
ยด9. (i'm not sure if this must be with citizens, too) the ability to use a npc (for example a trader) only if you done his/her quest
10. the ability to say, that you must give rthe npc items (for example 5 log, 10 sand and 1 iron ingot) to get the quest
i think this was ist... when i have more ideas i wrote them to you :)
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