Comments on Profile Post by _LB

  1. Freelix2000
    What is it? =D
    Aug 10, 2014
  2. _LB
    Missing "new String[]" before opening curly brace of string array ;p
    Aug 10, 2014
  3. Freelix2000
    Sorry, that's actually not it. There are a few ways to define an array in Java, and that is among them. I've even tested it. Keep looking. =)
    Aug 10, 2014
  4. _LB
    Dunno how I missed the parens after "out" ;p
    Aug 10, 2014
  5. Freelix2000
    That's it! "out" is a variable, not a method. =P You're the second person to find it.
    Aug 11, 2014