Comments on Profile Post by speeddemon92

  1. Forge_User_78080094
    Seriously, you have problems with creating plugins, but you can create a custom client? :O
    btw, I don't think i'm going to play GC (ever) again..
    Mar 3, 2011
  2. speeddemon92
    well as my mom does say with me "I swallow a horse but strain on a gnat". I started with the client as obfuscated code and learned it with no java experience at all though i had a lil c# experience but bukkit is confusing when you have no javadocs or reference materials or source that matches your current api jar (git hub updated right after i got the jar and took out PLAYER_COMMAND and TSLPC).
    Mar 3, 2011
  3. speeddemon92
    (cont.) thats sad to hear but is easy to understand if its because of the changes that are going on. i'm staying mainly because of the people that are trying to stay in the midst of the storm
    Mar 3, 2011
  4. Forge_User_78080094
    Mar 4, 2011
  5. speeddemon92
    thanks tech. maybe i can use it for help once the site is back online again.
    Mar 4, 2011