Comments on Profile Post by HappyGrenades

  1. HappyGrenades
    My idea is very specific and thus would only be for my server, so you would post it here. I would of course give you credit on my server website and minecraft forum page, and I would pay you well to make it and every time there is a minecraft and bukkit update I would pay a small amount for you to update it.
    Jan 30, 2012
  2. HappyGrenades
    I am not sure what is possible for a multiplayer however, but is their somewhere we can talk privately about this? That is, if you are willing to accept this of course. Or we can talk and you can decide after we chat. Hope to speak to you soon,

    sincerely, HappyGrenades
    Jan 30, 2012
  3. HappyGrenades
    "so you wouldn't* post it here", sorry my bad
    Jan 30, 2012
  4. Rycochet
    I'm actually a Spout dev now - and with a baby due in less than three weeks I've not got much time for coding to start with. Your best bet is to come onto irc and join #spout (go to and click the Chat link) - I'm not always around but there might be someone else interested who has time :-p
    Feb 1, 2012
  5. HappyGrenades
    Spout Dev meaning on the Dev team?

    and thank you but I found someone else by a different mean.
    Feb 3, 2012
  6. Rycochet
    Cool, hope to see this when it's done :-)
    Feb 4, 2012