Comments on Profile Post by JohnTheRipper

  1. Nathan C
    Nathan C
    Wtf.....maybe you need to change your name, get a new domain and complete go under the radar. Someone really must have something against you.
    Jan 20, 2012
  2. JohnTheRipper
    The problem is that I've been involved with HF for quite a while, and while I haven't mentioned my server to any but a select few people, I think someone decided to attack it for the lulz.
    Jan 20, 2012
  3. JohnTheRipper
    But bad luck and DDoS attacks follow me wherever I go. Like a multi hour long DDoS attack on a server in May, then 2 months of attacks in July/August (one 4 hour long one towards the start of July, 1-3 5 minute attacks per day).
    Jan 20, 2012
  4. JohnTheRipper
    Oh, and did I mention that the July/August attacks were from a script kiddy group with a shell booter and too much free time on their hands? And that they exploited a hole in LogBlock to crash the server over and over again until I patched it, then they attempted to extort money to stop the attacks, and wouldn't let up with the attacks for the 2 months it was online.
    Jan 20, 2012
  5. JohnTheRipper
    Basically, I'm a magnet for DDoS attacks and bad luck.
    Jan 20, 2012
  6. Nathan C
    Nathan C
    Good god...
    Jan 20, 2012