[FORMATTED] iTask Completer

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Martijnie, Feb 25, 2012.


Do you think this would be usefull?

Poll closed Mar 6, 2012.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Plugin category: Administration

    Suggested name: iTask Completer

    A bit about me: I'm a Moderator on the Ratville server, and always looking for new cool plugins. Yesterday I had an really cool idea, and I really think there are server admins who could really use this.

    What I want: Okay let me first tell how someone on our server becomes a Builder:

    1. He goes to the site, and makes an account on our forums.
    2. He submits an Builder application on the forums.
    3. Moderators will look at the forms, and when they're correctly filled in the Guest gets promoted to Builder.

    To be honest, we get a lot of kids at our forums who make topics everywhere except at the right place, and it takes a lot of time to read all the applications. So I thought of an new cool idea.

    -----THIS IS THE ACTUAL IDEA-------

    A player joins our server for the first time, he is an Guest when joining. Because he is a guest he gets an MOTD specially for guests, but in this MOTD there is a list with 3 tasks, which the Guest has to complete to become Builder. The three tasks could be something like this:

    1. Say the username of the owner of the server (this one is kiddy protection)
    2. Place an flower at {a specified worldguard zone} (this one will let the player search and ask for the zone, and place a flower there}
    3a. Walk 3 miles through the city (this one might be hard to code (?))
    3b. Be online for a total of 30 minutes.

    Ofcourse there could be other tasks, but I think these tasks are easy to do for people who really want to become Builder, and griefers will leave the server because of them.

    *if an guest completes an task it becomes green and he gets an message when he completes it.

    Ideas for commands:

    /itask - Shows the iTask MOTD with the three tasks you have to complete. Uncompleted tasks in red, completed tasks in green. When a Builder or higher does this he gets the message that he already did everything.
    /itask help - Shows all the commands you have acces to and what they do.
    /itask stats - Shows how many users have been promoted, how many tasks there are completed.

    Ideas for permissions:

    user.itask - Gives acces to /itask help and /itask
    all.itask - Gives acces to all commands

    When I'd like it by: I know making this could cost a lot of time, so just take your time. Oh, the one who makes this perfectly gets 1 year VIP+ on our server btw :)


    - Our server uses PermissionsEX, so the plugin must be compatible with this when it for example moves an guest automaticly to the Builder rank.
    - If task 3a can be made/code, it would be great if every guest who joines for the first time gets an flower to place in a specified worldguard region :).

    I think having this on a server will add a whole new experience and excitement for the Guests to become Builder!




    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  2. Offline


    Very hard coding plugin. I want this too :p!
  3. Offline


    Seems interesting
    Perhaps if I have some time, I'll do that (takes 1-2h max)
    would you like to do all these tasks in one time (no save) (coding easier) ?
    Martijnie likes this.
  4. I think saving would be better, so players can go offline and don't have to redo everything. And when they're Builder all their saved data removes, or something like that.
  5. Offline


    I'd keep it as proof that they actually did it, and didn't go around the system some how :p

    Maybe save it after they complete the tasks?

    Martijnie: Completed
    Carl: Incomplete
    Mike: Completed
    Joe: Incomplete
    Max: Incomplete
    ... and so on? :D

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  6. Yep that would be ok, but there are 3 tasks to do so something like this (I think):

    Martijn: 1. N 2. Y 3. Y

    But that's just an example, I don't know what the most efficient way is for the plugin to read it.

    It would also be cool when someone completes all tasks the plugin broadcasts an message like: 'Robin completed all tasks and is now an Builder!'.

    It would be great if you could make something of this :) There's no deadline or something, so just take your time (if you want).

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  7. Offline


    Hmmm I'll manage my own save system
    Is the order important ?
  8. Nope! Just do what you think is the best for the plugin, making something which slows down the plugin is not needed :)
  9. Offline


    Hmm I don't think that this plugin may slows down anything
  10. Ok that's nice :)

    And how about task 3a, is something like that possible?
  11. Offline


    Going around for X meters
    Yes of course it's possible
  12. Haha you're doing magic in my eyes :)
  13. Offline


    Magic ?
    With a hat and a rabbit ?
    Yeah I know it's late for jokes
    I'd better go to sleep ^^
  14. :)


    Ok so I made a little list with more ideas/addons than I mentioned in the OP:

    *all of these ideas/addons can be ignored if it is too hard to code or making the server perform worser*

    New ideas:

    - Make the server automaticly broadcast an message when someone completes all tasks, or {configurable} when he completes one task.
    - Give the player a {configurable} item/block when he completes an task/when he completes all tasks.
    - Automaticly push an {configurable} message to an Guest player if he hasn't done anything with the iTask plugin after being 10 {configurable} minutes on the server. -> optional: customizable message for someone who completed 0 tasks, 1 task or 2 task. So someone with 2 tasks completed get's an message like "Hey (playername) you're almost there! Complete task (uncompleted task number) to become Builder!".
    - Ask the player when he completed all tasks if the server was referred by an player on the server, when that's not the case the player types: /itask refer no. But when he was referred by someone on the server he types /itask refer (playername). This player get's an {configurable} reward.

    New Tasks:

    - Player has to use the Portal in our world which let players go from our Creative world to Survival world.
    - This one looks like task 2 but is a bit different: Player has to walk trough (or stand in) an {specified worldguard region}.

    New commands:

    /itask refer no
    /itask refer (playername)
    /itask reset - Resets all the saved data about completed tasks.

    New permissions:



    [You probably saw all my {configurable} thingies... It would be nice if these values could be edited in an config file.]
    [For some tasks I'm talking about {specified worldguard region}. With that I mean Regions you set up with WorldEdit, so for task 2 I would call a region 'Guest_Place_Flower' and the plugin checks any activity by guests in that region. Ofcourse {configurable} :).

    I really hope you can do something with these added things, but really if it's taking too much time or just too hard don't do it :) You got a life too and all I'm doing is just 'Oh this would be nice, and this too and...' xd

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  15. Offline


    For the referrer reward you could also check my Reffered plugin (link in signature).
  16. Offline


    Ok I keep that as a following line
    Refer plugins already exixt I think
  17. Ok


    Do you need any more information?

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  18. Offline


    Anything more for the moment,
    I'll surely ask you more when I'll have start the dev part
  19. Ok than :)
  20. rominos2

    I have one task that would be really great if it is possible to make, allthough it is quit hard. Ok so,

    This task asks you to confirm your e-mail adress, so it asks for it first, player does something like /itask email [email protected]. It would be really usefull if it would also send an sort of automatic e-mail to the given e-mail adress, and the player clicks an link or types the activation code in-game, but this might be even more difficult.

    Is something like this possible?
  21. Offline


    I really don't know how to make that
    BTW The code if this plugin may be delayed because of the Bukkit's End
  22. Offline


    Hey was thinking,
    Just look at my Tuto plugin,
    That can be used as basic task for the moment ^^
    Am thinking about iTask
  23. In the meanwhile I already made another plugin request xD This one is about more about command permissions, you might want to take a look: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/formatted-commands-getter.62657/


    As an addition to task 1 it would be nice to have something like: 'Use command : {specified command}'
    and when player does the command, he completes the task. This is so the player can become familiar a bit with this command.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  24. Offline


    Really take a look to y Tuto plugin
    It permits all of this
    Wait for players Commands, Block placement,Death, Fish, and a lot of others
    and permits to launch automatics Commands, Teleport, Spawn Monsters ...
  25. Ok, when I'm home from holiday I will take an in-depth look at your plugin :)! If I got any more things to ask (about tuto plugin), I will do it at the Tuto plugin topic.

    I looked a bit at your Tuto plugin. It has some of the features I want to have in the iTask Completer plugin, but it isn't really an plugin we could use for new players to let them become Builder.

    The tuto plugin feels more to be for the new players who joined the server and want to know all the features of the server, so really an tutorial.

    The plugin we would love to have is a bit different, you got to do this and this and then you're a bit more familiar with the server and automaticaly promoted to the Builder rank.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  26. Offline


    The plugin is just named Tuto but it can does a lot of things
  27. Ok but how about these things we really want:

    Placing a block at an specified worldguard zone - your plugin makes this sort of possible but only for one place/coordinate.
    Say the name of the server owner - command scanning is possible with your plugin, but also just word scanning?
    Walk 3 miles through the city - not possible with your plugin.
    Be online or a total of 30 minutes - same.
    Player has to walk through portal - same.

    And how about the layout of the tasks? Is it possible to have a list with uncompleted tasks in red and completed ones in green by using your plugin?

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