REQ Boundary Plug in

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Chaos217, Feb 23, 2012.

  1. Offline


    I was looking and couldn't find a plug in that really matched what I need. I was hoping to get a plug in that set a "force field" around a determined set of blocks or chunks. So the plug in would require like 2-4 coordinates, for the corners and it would make a bedrock barrier on those coordinates, and maybe make a glowstone roof.

    D= dirt, B = bedrock, G = Glowstone

    B--- GG ---B
    B -----------B
    B----------- B
    to create a type of spherical boundary. Invisible boundaries would work fine too like in most console games. Anyways thanks in advance.
  2. Offline


    search worldborder :)

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