Managing a server is not easy.... with bukkit

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by enchanter100, Mar 1, 2011.

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    So bukkit and it's plugins are making running a server a nightmare currently. With hmod, when a new minecraft update was released you would wait a few days and hmod would be updated, so would most of the addons.

    I don't know how bukkit is suppose to be easier because it's been over a week since minecraft was updated to 1.3, there are multiple issues with what craftbukkit build to use, what permissions plugin to use (there are at least three), what economy plugin to use, online map, etc. It is all one messed up juggling match that when you update one you hope it doesn't break the other and so on. Does anyone have a solution for this? Is there something in the future that will fix this mess?

    I believe there are too many builds of craftbukkit. Would a bi-weekly recommended build be better then this multiple builds a day format? Maybe a permissions built into craftbukkit? Or economy?
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    It's still in development that's why there are so many builds, it will eventually get to the point where there might not be new builds for weeks or even only following minecraft updates.

    They have tried to solve this problem in the meantime with recommended builds however it won't work correctly until it's made a requirement that plugins must work on the latest recommended build, but even then people are still going to jump on the latest build and then complain when plugins don't work.
  3. Offline


    It's still being actively developed so until it reaches a point where it's stable enough (and once licence issues are out of the way) to be released then it will be able to match and surpass hmod.
  4. Offline


    There has to be a better way to improve it in the meantime.
  5. Offline


    If they would lock it so you can only get the recommended builds then it would make all the plugins use the same builds which would really help.
  6. Offline


    yes i think that is what we need actually *pressingtheinvisiblelikebutton*
  7. Offline


    That's not really the way to fix a problem caused by individual users. Considering not everyone is fussed about the bugs, those of which know it's a development build and in turn, know the risk it presents with compatibility issues.
    People just need to realise this, and if they can't deal with it, they should use the release builds.
  8. Offline


    There are release builds?

    I know about recommended builds but there are still plugins that aren't even up to date on those..
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    The current situation (recommended builds) is a vast improvement on the chaos from before. But you have to keep in mind, 1.) bukkit is under heavy development. 2) bukkit DOES NOT make the plugins..

    so, while the recommended builds tell you which version of the server is stable, it is still completely the responsibility of the PLUGIN AUTHORS to make their plugins work.

    Once FILL comes out, it will be even better, but that will probably be a while.
    Look at it this way.. when a minecraft update came out, hmod was dead for days.. bukkit was back up within 24 hours.

    as others have said.. get the latest recommended build, and then update your plugins. if you run the latest build (not recommended build), you are asking for trouble.

    that said, if you have a suggestion for how to improve it, i'm sure the developers would be interested (not sarcasm, seriously)
    --- merged: Mar 1, 2011 4:01 PM ---
    just to directly address your points:

    1. too many builds: Builds happen every time a developer makes a code change. This is REQUIRED for good project development. The 'problem' is that end users are seeing all the development commits and grabbing them. Thus the solution of RECOMMENDED BUILDS was implemented.

    2. permissions: i believe there is something for this already. (but i don't know what it is called or where it went)
    3. economy: not everyone uses this (or permissions for that matter) This is better as a plugin so that those who do not need it don't have the overhead.

    your primary issue is that some of your plugins are not being updated.. the solution is to post in the thread for those plugins and get the author to do something about it. or find a plugin by an author that IS doing something about it.
  11. Offline


    It is up to the plugin authors to not break everything just to keep up with the latest build. It is also up to server owners to not insist that they do.
    Seriously, people, this is the first online user-served game I've ever seen where servers update hourly instead of weekly.
  12. Offline


    If your plugins are broken on the latest recommended build, please contact the author of that plugin and advise them of the problem.
    If your plugins are broken on the latest build, please contact the author of that plugin and advise them of the problem. Plugin devs should at least support the latest RB, but they will want to know about any problems on newer builds. I see the result is devs have two versions - one that supports RBs, and one that supports the latest builds.

    Use the latest recommended build if you are having trouble keeping up. If your plugins aren't getting updated, do not use them.
  13. Offline


    Thanks, you make it sound so easy!
  14. Offline


    The plugin situation's the same with hey0. What's the difference?
  15. Offline


    craftbukkit isn't dead yet? :)
  16. Offline


    I mean the time it takes for authors to update plugins. It's the exact same situation as Hey0 in that you have to wait for each individual author to do so. That's why I am skeptical of the Bukkit plugin update system.
  17. Offline


    i was just joking around.. you asked about the difference between cb and hm.. one of these is dead.. :)

    yeah.. even with FILL, it's still going to be up to the plugin devs to keep their plugins updated..
  18. Offline


    The points are valid all around, but keep in mind if you go out to jenkins right now and grab the latest build then who knows what will work against it. I don't know the diff on it versus let's say 463 which is the latest I have tested my plugins against. One thing that could be added in the plugin threads though would be "Latest version tested against:", at least that way there is some indication. I know the titles have the version it was built against and some say +, that is a good start, but with the addition of the one line you could know that the plugin was known to work at least from, for example, 432 - 463 and if you have a later build you can let the developer know.
  19. Offline


    heh :D
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