How to equal players name in if?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ruwen, Feb 16, 2012.

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    I have been trying to make a specific command do different things depends on whos asking. but i cant get it accept any name.s

    my if looks like this:

    Player player = (Player) sender;
    if (player.GetDisplayName() == "myname"){
    player.sendMessage("You are so cool")

    whats wrong, why do it not show the text when myname call the command?

    Hope someone can help me
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    always use string.equals(anotherstring) for Strings (actually objects in general):
    if (player.GetDisplayName().equals("myname")){

    btw: you might want to use getName() instead of the display name, since the display name might contain colours and prefixes depending on the plugins on the server.
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    There is also : .equalsIgnoreCase("") , this will ignore the case of the string also.

    Another suggestion for your code would be a "instanceof" check to make sure that the commandsender is infact a player :D other you will get ClassCastExceptions throwing up and anger customers :D
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    Atomic Fusion

    Usually in Java, methods do not start with a capital. Would
    if (player.getDisplayName() == "myname"){
    Fix the issue? But regardless, the other advice is sound.
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    Thanks for the help, it works perfectly
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