Strange message from FURNACE place?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Semirotta, Feb 4, 2012.

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  1. Code:
    2012-02-04 17:19:41 [INFO] CONSOLE: Save complete.
    2012-02-04 17:24:10 [SEVERE] Block at 276,81,53 is FURNACE but has null. Bukkit will attempt to fix this, but there may be additional damage that we cannot recover.
    2012-02-04 17:24:18 [SEVERE] Block at 276,81,52 is FURNACE but has null. Bukkit will attempt to fix this, but there may be additional damage that we cannot recover.
    2012-02-04 17:24:21 [SEVERE] Block at 276,81,55 is FURNACE but has null. Bukkit will attempt to fix this, but there may be additional damage that we cannot recover.
    what is this?
    i dont understand when this comes but it tells something about FURNACE :D
    im using bukkit R4 NON RECOMMENDED version 1871
  2. Offline


    i dont think there is a R4 out yet? Downgrade to R3.
  3. Offline


    i use vanish on R3 and its fine. Just downgrade vanish to 2.4.1
  4. i dont see anything to go wrong in server but i just wondered what this message really means :p i stick with this until i get somekind of catastrophic thingies
  5. Offline


    I am getting the same thing. Except my server is randomly crashing now. No error messages or shutdown or anything
  6. do u use the same bukkit version as i do?
    ive not had any crash or other error messages. Just the furnace message
  7. Offline


    Dev builds are marked as such for a reason - problems like this may arise.

    Anyway, try on the latest dev build - see if that helps. If not, downgrade to the 1846 and the VNP that works with it.
  8. Offline


    Three furnaces have been placed next to each other but are returning null as actually being there, and its unable to recover the furnace block i gather
  9. Offline


    TnT just explained that >.>
    Dev = Developmental
    Developmental = Buggy
  10. Offline


    He asked what it ment, and i explaiend the error

    and rightly dev builds are buggy. Hence use whats released and stable

    Calm down mate
  11. Offline

    Don Redhorse

    yeah but the question is WHY?

    sigh... I guess I have to dig into the code again.. I really "like" that changes like this don't come with any real documentation
  12. Offline


    I'm getting the same error along with random server crashes. I'm running:

    This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-1.1-R3-13-gb3c56b8-b1877jnks (MC: 1.1) (Implementing API version 1.1-R4-SNAPSHOT)

    I also upgraded a bit in order to use Vanish 3.0
  13. Offline


    FURNACE but has null. Bukkit will attempt to fix this, but there may be additional damage that we cannot recover.

    ^^^ same errors here.. over 2500 occurrences in a 10MB log.

    Plugin list -
  14. Offline


    LOL, wrong thread :L
  15. Offline


    Getting this same error on R4 #1938. Don't know of any in-game effects but get the error in my server log.
  16. any1 had this error anymore after R4 RECOMMENDED bukkit build came out? im using R4 recommended right now and ive not had any errors for now.
  17. Offline


    Yes, still happens with #1938, the R4 recommended build.
    Mercury likes this.
  18. Offline


    Yes, I am see it too. (and when combined with using the JSONAPI plugin, it causes the server to shutdown.)
  19. Offline


  20. Offline


    Yep still the furnace problem here

    2012-02-19 02:46:14 [INFO] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-1.1-R4-b1938jnks (MC: 1.1) (Implementing API version 1.1-R4)
    2012-02-19 03:16:34 [SEVERE] Block at 676,33,-779 is FURNACE but has null. Bukkit will attempt to fix this, but there may be additional damage that we cannot recover.
    Updated to the newest recommended release

    is this a critical problem to my server ?
    as far as i can see nothing really happens (no shutdowns or what so ever)
    what is this "additional damage" it is warning about?
  21. Offline


    I am also getting this. Doesn't seem to do anything though. (Not getting crashes)
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