[Request] Rift

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by AliasXNeo, Feb 12, 2012.

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    Not sure if this has been suggested before, but I think a small implementation of the "Rift" concept would be pretty neat. What I had in mind:

    * Rifts randomly appear in the world
    * They are announced when they appear
    * Rifts have a different level of difficulty which defines what mobs and how many spawn in it
    * Rifts should have waves of mobs
    * Players should be awarded items, money, etc. when a rift is completed

    I'm hoping other people will jump on board with this since it's quite an intensive project. However, I feel like it would add a really neat feature for servers that provides fun, killing, and economic boost.
  2. Offline


    That's a neat idea.
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    I thought about doing this. If not done correctly, it could be a performance issue. There's the issue of it messing with player creations, but that may be a plus and not a minus, as it'll encourage players to beat the rift so they can get back to their lives. The area should definitely revert back to "normal" after a rift is destroyed. Then again servers could make a separate world for this.

    You could have "rifts" that turn the area around it to resemble the nether, end, mushroom areas. And maybe "death" or "night" areas where the plants die, trees become leafless, passives don't spawn, and maybe block out the sky with blocks. Maybe a spider area where arthropods spawn everywhere and webs start to appear. This rift concept could be fleshed out rather nicely with boss battles and such.

    I'd help but I haven't got the time as I just started a new project. When that projects gets close to being mature, I'll work on this if it hasn't been done yet. I predict though that others will jump on this rather quickly
  4. Offline


    Great idea, would love to see this go somewhere.

    In terms of block damage, why not do the thing towny advanced does where it rebuilds land after explosion damage?
  5. Offline


    Rebuilding land is not a new concept, so it shouldn't be too difficult and is certainly possible. I like the nether block and boss battle idea, would add a nice effect.

    As for the performance, limiting the number and size of the rifts should fix that. Also, might it be possible to only create rifts in loaded chunks?
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    Anyone interested in starting this?
  7. Offline


    Need to renew the interest!
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