mc-dev repo status.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Karl Marx, Jan 12, 2012.

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    Karl Marx

    I tried to access the bukkit "mc-dev" repo on github today, and noticed it is no longer available. Can someone important tell me if this is a temporary (perhaps due to the recent minecraft update) or permanent change (perhaps due to Notch's recent comment about such repos' legality?)

    If it's not coming back any time soon; does anyone know another place to find it, short of making my own (messy) reverse of craftbukkit? I reference that repo often, as it's fairly essential to work on my recently released plugin.
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    The repo is usually made private for a couple of weeks following updates, unfortunately. I personally don't see the point, but I sure they have a good reason.
  3. Offline


    I hate that, honestly. Especially now I found out that isChunkLoaded now loads the chunk in 1.1 dev craftbukkit version...huray for lots of synchronized code access errors because of other threads checking if a chunk is loaded...
  4. What the... That's just stupid. :oops:
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    Karl Marx

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    You should report that in the issue tracker. Hopefully it is some kind of unwanted behavior.
  7. Offline


    I have doubts with the 'isChunkLoaded' loading chunks issue, but someone reported it to me for a plugin. It showed me calling isChunkLoaded, followed up with a getChunk, and afterwards the chunk was loaded and all. It was throwing a synchronized code access error because of that...

    I haven't seen this call in the source code, that is the weirdest thing. Maybe he had a modded server, I don't know...
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