
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Crosant, Dec 12, 2011.

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    Can somebody tell me how to set up a bukkit plugin in Jenkins?
    Thank you in advance
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    First you would have to make the plugin in a jenkins usable way

    to do so in eclipse File > New > Projet

    on that screen go to maven and click a maven projct put plugin.yml in src/main/resources
    and the package i src/main/java

    if you want to see a example go to:

    thats the first step

    they you would need to put ur src in some type of git, Subversion, or cvs source manager.
    (GitHub is the easiest)
    once the everything is on github copy the git-readonly link in this case it it:

    now for jenkins
    you will create a new project pick a name whatever you want the select maven 2/3 project
    and under src copy the git read only url and any other tweeks you want.....

    make sure to add the repo and dependence tag
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    thank you @zachman1221

    but i get this error if i want to build the projekt;
    [workspace] $ cvs -Q -z3 -d git:// co -P -r branch -d tools -D "Monday, December 26, 2011 8:32:46 PM UTC"
    rsh: Could not resolve hostname git: Name or service not known
    cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)
    FATAL: CVS failed. exit code=1
    Finished: FAILURE
  4. Offline


    ok I'm silly now it works thank you
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