Worldedit and Worldguard problems, help :(

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ShizyCheese, Nov 5, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    I got few different severe and warning errors from Worldedit and Worldguard if you know how to fix it please help :/.
    [Severe] WorldEdit : Unable to read default configuration: config.yml
    [Severe] Worldguard: unable to read default configuration: blacklist.txt
    [Warning] Worldguard blacklist does not exist
    [Warning] Worldguard: Region file for world "world" missing or inaccessible
    [Warning] Worldguard: Region file for world "world_nether" missing or inaccessible
    The worldedit folder is empty and the Worldguard folder only has worlds and config in it(worlds has world and world_nether in it and they both only have config in it).
  2. Offline


    1. Did you try deleting the folders and restart/reload your server? 2. Try redownloading it.
  3. Offline


    I am getting the exact same problem, the [severe] messages only come up the first time I start the server with worlguard. please help!
  4. Offline


    Have you already tried /we reload or /wg reload?
  5. Offline


    I am reptty much getting the same errors :(
    I've got no idea what to do!
  6. Theres a bug where WG and WE doesn't generate the config files (I dont know if everybody gets this)
    To fix it just open the WE and WG .jars and drag the .yml file from the defaults folder to the folder of the plugin.
  7. Offline


    im a bit confused, where is the defaults folder? Do i need to download it?

    EDIT: I think I know what you are talking about now. I've got to open the WorldGuard.jar with my archiver, and go into the defaults folder. inside there is blacklist.txt, a config.yml, and a config_world.yml. I drag these 3 into the WorldGuard folder inside my plugins folder. Then I rename the config_world.yml to: (My world Is Called, World file X) config_World file X right?

    ANOTHER EDIT: inside the WorldGuard folder inside my plugins folder there are:
    A Worlds folder And
    a config yml.
    In the worlds folder there is:
    A folder named World file X (my world)
    Inside that there is:
    Another config yml.

    What goes where?
  8. Offline


    Its been 24 hours, and I really need help, so Im bumping the thread.
  9. Offline


    Im trying to put the items from the defaults folder into the world guard folder.

    inside the WorldGuard folder inside my plugins folder there are:
    A Worlds folder And
    a config yml.
    In the worlds folder there is:
    A folder named World file X (my world)
    Inside that there is:
    Another config yml.

    What goes where?
  10. Offline


    I hate to to this but, bump.

    my problem is that the region files aren't generating

    21:04:19 [WARNING] WorldGuard: Region file for world "a-new-land" missing or ina
    21:04:19 [WARNING] WorldGuard: Region file for world "a-new-land_nether" missing
    or inaccessible.
    21:04:19 [WARNING] WorldGuard: Region file for world "a-new-land_the_end" missin
    g or inaccessible.
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