New Developer Could use some Help

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Kritic, Nov 26, 2011.

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    Hey, im looking to start developing bukkit pluggins and one i wanted to try is an Obsidian Tools pluggin.

    Is it possible to do a mod where you get new items, but dont have to download it client side.
    Would this mod be a good place to start for a beginner, or try something a bit easier?

    I've taken two java classes, and can understand the pretty basic coding. This would be my first mod attempted ever.

  2. Offline


    Not possible, unless you give the client a mod or you use Spout, when it gets that functionality. It might already have it, but not as far as I know.
    And this would also be pretty hard to co-ordinate client side and server side. You might want to start with something a little easier first.

    Sorry if I'm wrong, but it's really not possible, as far as I know.
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    I believe someone will be working on a obsidian tools plugin or a plugin that has that feature for Spout once it's able to. I've heard it mentioned a few times.
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    or maybe a bedrock tools plugin...xD
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