Looking for 1.0.0 Minecart Mania build

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Benie, Nov 24, 2011.

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    I hope this is the right forum for such a request, if not, please move it to the correct one since the MM thread is closed and I can't ask there.
    I'm looking for a Minecraft Mania build that works with 1.0.0, and CB Build 1494.
    I went here as it was a link to previous builds, but it doesn't help much in finding what I need.

    So, if anyone knows of a link to what a ask, please post it here. If there is no such thing as a 1.0.0 build, please tell me. I have to know before I'm forced to redesign my entire system using Notch's Boosters and Detector tracks.
  2. Offline


    There isn't out atm, as far as I know.
    Afforress is working on developing the new version of MM.
  3. Offline


    Thanks for letting me know. I hope he does.
  4. Offline


    Check here.
    And there was a BIG RED LINK on the minecart Mania Thread. Telling you that.

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