Plugin request: [TP][ADMN][FUN] Random Teleport

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Sayshal, Nov 6, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Pretty straight forward. Heres some back story.
    I run a semi-RPG, semi-Creative, semi-PvP server. I want to be able to set regions where peopel get randomely teleported to on command (iConomy cost?)

    All though others plugins might be able to do this, I only want the features specific to my needs.


    Contact info:
    E-Mail: [email protected]
    Feel free to pm me on or
  2. Offline


    can you describe it more carefully and elaborately?
  3. Offline


    Admin installs plugin
    defines X and Z coordinates between where the player cna random spawn
    player hits a sign or types a command, player gets teleported somewhere randomly within those X and Z coordinated.
  4. Offline


    oh...i thought its more like teleport anywhere in the world on random coordinates...even its in a cave or something else...xD...nvm
  5. Offline


    Sorta like that yes. Basically why I need it is stupid new players build right beside everyone. So this will allow them to start in a totally random untouches area (almost all the time).
  6. Offline


    ok...lemme try this out

    on command? or on first login?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2016
  7. Offline


    config for either? :D

    I'd prefer it if the player spawned ABOVE ground, please and thanks! :D

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2016
  8. Offline


    okay...just figured out how to do this...i'll finish it maybe tomorrow
  9. Offline


    Awesome, tag me in plugin release post so I know its done :D
  10. Offline


    Wow, I'd like this plugin too! :)
  11. Offline



    Any updates? I'm looking forward, let me know if you need a live server to test this on.
  12. Offline


    Can I do this? I would like this plugin too.
  13. Offline


    @DomovoiButler I demand you to release this plugin immediately! :-P I love the idea, just wish I had thought of it first. it would be great for use on my server because, as Sayshal said, players have a tendency to cluster around one area.
  14. Offline


    xD...sorry guys...i wish i can make it faster, i have school currently and its 6hours at night...i only have little time to make it...i will release it maybe in the next two days...this will be my first priority first on my upcoming 4 plugins...xD
  15. Offline


    When trying this out myself, the main problem i'm having is teleporting someone to a location. It's just not doing anything. Other than that and an if check not working completely, my version should work fine in theory.
  16. Offline


    Uhm.. so what your saying is everything works except what it's supposed to do? :p
  17. Offline


    Lol yep i just said that. (No i meant that my version really should work well, but it doesn't for some weird bug reason)

    I found out the bug was just in my playerlistener. Maybe i'll beat @DomovoiButler to it ;D

    EDIT: Just kidding! I found a problem with my code. When you use Entity.teleport in an onPlayerJoin event Listener, it won't do anything, because it teleports them before they are warped to their last location. Gonna have to use either a scheduler for this or maybe something else.
  18. Offline


    onPlayerJoin? noooo! :p on command!
    /randomtp PLAYERNAME - Op/Admin
    /randomtp - User

    Possible cooldown?
  19. Offline


    Oooooh then this is super easy! I got it wokring for onPlayerJoin too btw :D

    Also i'm trying to make it so it only uses a random location that is within the created world already. Does anyone know of an API method to do this? I'd rather not create my own for this thing, but I can.
    EDIT: Just kidding, it wasn't that hard. I'm getting a couple bugs, but I fixed ones that are worse before, so i'll prolly be able to fix them soon. Yay...
  20. Offline


    I think cooldown is required (so users cant just tp everywhere nonstop)
    also some features:
    set cost per permissions group (SuperPerms)
    cooldown time (config file)
    configurable locale file (Awesome messages when gettings teleported)
  21. Offline


    Here's my prototype of my version of the plugin.

    • lag - (world generating) when teleporting to a random location
    • no config - for the max value when finding a random location
    • haven't removed an extra command for debugging
    • code may be confusing to others :p lol

  22. Offline


    I have been searching for a plugin like this for a long time! Here's the functionality I'm looking for:

    - When a player first joins a server, he/she is teleported to a random point in the world.
    - When a player dies, they respawn at a random point in the world, regardless of whether they set their spawn with a bed or not.
    - When a player logs out and logs in again, they remain where they were when they logged out - your spawn only gets randomized when you first join or when you die.

    Does this mod support this functionality? If not, can it be easily extended to do as such?
  23. Offline


    The plugin I made can support a random teleportation when a player joins. I can probably add a config to make it so it's only when a player first joins
    I can also make them spawn at a random point when they die too :)
    Rixx likes this.
  24. Offline


    Remember what I, the OP, requested :p I'm glad to see others want it but I need what I need too.
  25. Offline


    That would be wonderful! :D Thanks!
  26. Offline


    Yep and I posted my version of the plugin, with commands and stuff.
  27. Offline


    Will try soon. (I'm nervous about trying undocumented plugins :p)
  28. Offline


    Haha well that's why I included the caveats in the post :).

    Also the source is in the jar, if anyone wants to work on it themselves.
  29. Offline


    I'm just learning Python now :S Lol, maybe in like.. 6 months? :D
  30. Offline


    @acuddlyheadcrab are you going to take this over?so i do n0t have to continue my own in will just make some duplicate okay, you take over now

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