[RPG/MECH] mcMMO v1.2.07 - RPG Addiction Redefined! Multi-Lingual! [1337][1549]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by nossr50, Feb 5, 2011.

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    Server was Running fine, 3 people online then a forth guy logged in and this happened:
    I'm now getting super spammed with all sorts of diferent 'Could not pass event {Event name} to mcMMO' every time that player does an action.

    this is all with 1.1.17
    I'm guessing it's a mysql issue but everything is configured correctly there.

    2011-11-05 14:43:39 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_LOGIN to mcMMO
        at com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.PlayerProfile.loadMySQL(PlayerProfile.java:143)
        at com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.PlayerProfile.<init>(PlayerProfile.java:95)
        at com.gmail.nossr50.Users.addUser(Users.java:73)
        at com.gmail.nossr50.listeners.mcPlayerListener.onPlayerLogin(mcPlayerListener.java:102)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$13.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:344)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:58)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:339)
        at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.a(ServerConfigurationManager.java:200)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.b(NetLoginHandler.java:88)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(NetLoginHandler.java:39)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:94)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:471)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:374)
        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:417)
    2011-11-05 14:43:39 [INFO] Argreak [/] logged in with entity id 1728 at ([TechGalaxy] 315.65024620523195, 14.0, -970.7216989888673)
    After that I get one of these every second until that player logs out.

    2011-11-05 14:43:40 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2011-11-05 14:43:40 [SEVERE]     at com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.PlayerProfile.loadMySQL(PlayerProfile.java:143)
    2011-11-05 14:43:40 [SEVERE]     at com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.PlayerProfile.<init>(PlayerProfile.java:95)
    2011-11-05 14:43:40 [SEVERE]     at com.gmail.nossr50.Users.getProfile(Users.java:100)
    2011-11-05 14:43:40 [SEVERE]     at com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.mcTimer.run(mcTimer.java:43)
    2011-11-05 14:43:40 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftWorker.run(CraftWorker.java:34)
    2011-11-05 14:43:40 [SEVERE]     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)
  3. Offline


    Is it possible to deactivate the abilities? I love excavation, repair and partie features but the "you ready your axe, you lower your axe" messages are very annoying after some time. When I use the /mcability command, it starts popping up again after server reload or relog. )-:
  4. Offline



    bug using spoutcraft, at xp bar, you cant move its X



    the same for xpbar

    hope it helps somehow

    thanx for tha plugin :)
  5. Offline


    Is there anyway to make it so combat stats (archery, swords, axes, etc...) only gain XP through pvp interaction? As I see it now you can set global and pvp modifiers but when done... Non-combat skills gain no XP. The only option I'm seeing at the moment is to set the skills modifiers extremely high for combat stats and reward pvp with lots of experience. It seems like a silly workaround. Yes, mob spawners don't provide XP but many people use mob grinders and those are "naturally" spawned mobs and still give XP.
  6. Offline


    Hey Guy,
    i got a problem ... if i want to /p for private chat toggle i got a conflict with voxelsniper! voxelsniper got the same command and override mcmmo /p ... is there a way to use it anyway? like /pt or something? :eek:

    plz help me :/
  7. Offline


    Yeah I have this same problem.
  8. Offline


    Anyone can answer me ; it's possible to desactivate totally mcmmo in certain map ? (like creative map)

    And set max level ?
  9. Offline


    A cool idea would be if you could get more than 2 drops if you had a double drop chance of over 100%, with the option to disable it in the config.

    If someone had 1231 mining (123.1%) then they would definitely get double drops, but also have a 23.1% chance for a triple drop.
  10. Offline


    It sucks if it's a source of negative stress. I hope my post did not contribute to that.

    I personally plan to wait patiently until you update us, and I'm very thankful for all your efforts. mcMMO is one of the best plugins I've ever seen, and one of very few that I run on our growing server. I'm quite picky about what I use, and so far mcMMO is top notch... even without Spout.

    Once I get setup to develop in Java, I will try to help with the bug-hunt if I can. I'm coming from PHP/JS & similar, and learning how to setup my workspace. If anyone has pointers, please PM me.
  11. Offline


    Does this sound like it'll work?

    Integration concept for mcMMO and Magicspells to allow "class" definitions:
    Using iConomy, mcMMO, magicspells, and ServerSigns I'm going to set up some classes on my mcmmo server.

    I'm going to set the Multiplier value to 0 for every skill in the config.yml for mcMMO.

    I'm going to set up some ServerSigns to:
    1. Subtract XXX iconomy money
    2. Set all mcMMO skills to 0 with mmoedit (not sure it's possible since it passes playername, but serversigns claims to be able to pass playername to commands?)
    3. Unlearn all MagicSpells spells (may not be possible, have to unlearn each spell individually?)
    4. Set new mcmmo skills with mmoedit
    5. Learn new set of MagicSpells spells
    Obviously it won't stop anyone from mining, or anyone from using diamond armor, but it should add a little variety and put some gold sinks into the system.

    For example, I might make a "Hunter" sign, which costs 10,000 gold and gives the following:

    Archery 1000
    Taming 1000
    Woodcutting 1000
    Axes 500
    Herbalism 500

    Spells from MagicSpells:
    Minion (wolf)

    Or Warrior, with:
    Swords 1000
    Axes 1000
    Archery 500

    Anybody done anything like this before? It sounds awesome, but not sure if I can make it happen with the tools available.
  12. Offline


    Is it possible to change the commands used to do certain effects? I see a
            Name: party
            Enabled: true
    option, but no way to change the command to fit (for this example voxelsniper) other users of other plugins.
    To be honest, I don't even know what changing the 'name: ' does.
    I've searched the Wiki, done everything I can think of short of editing the source .jar (I'm not that stupid)
    Please respond, I don't wish you any added stress, but when approached about the same problem, the developer of the other plugin.... reacted badly.
    Thank you in advance @nossr50
    (additional supporters of this request that I've seen: @Maxxgold @SilencShadoW )
  13. Offline


    Is it possible to change the block used for the anvil? I just installed mcmmo but I don't want anvils to be iron blocks, as my whole spawn is make out of iron blocks. If this is not possible yet, please make the anvil item id configurable in the next version of mcmmo ;)
  14. Offline


    Woodcutting doesn't seem to be working for me. Is it because I use lytreehelper by any chance?
  15. Offline


    Started working on Fishing, I was streaming it and here is a recording

    Here is my vague outline you see me write during the video
    THE GOAL: Make fishing rewarding and hopefully not super boring
    Fishing Items
    Ideas so far:
        Having 1-5 tiers of skill that determine your loot tables
        Higher tiers = better items
        Maybe always receive fish since that is how it worked in Vanilla MC?
    Tier 1 (Under 100 Skill)
        Leather Armor
        Stone/Wood Tools
    Tier 2 (Over 100, Under 300)
        Leather & Iron Armor
        Stone/Iron Tools
        Random Useful Items
        2 Fish instead of 1
    Tier 3 (Over 300, Under 600)
        Iron & Gold Armor
        Iron/Gold Tools
        More Random Useful Items
        3 Fish instead of 1
        Fish restore more stamina than before when eaten
    Tier 4 (Over 600, below 900)
        Iron / Gold / Diamond armor
        Iron / Gold / Diamond Tools
        Even more Random Useful Items
        4 Fish instead of 1
        Fish restores more stamina than before when eaten
    Tier 5 (Over 900)
        Diamond Armor more likely, same loot tables as before
        Diamond Tools more likely, same loot tables as before
        More random useful items
        Still keeping with 4 fish instead of 1
        Maybe have fish restore even more stamina than before
    The skill is still in the brainstorming process, and the mechanics aren't final.
    undeadmach1ne likes this.
  16. Offline


    Amazing Plugin, I love it, but one quick request/question. I use this plugin with mobarena, and people on my server are abusing the /ptp command. For example, they go into mobarena with one person, then everyone in the party tps to that person. Any way i can stop this? I have been forced to disable ptp on my server but everyone hates that. ( i have tried anti-teleportation plugins, but that doesnt work because they also prevent people from teleporting in using /ma join.) If anyone has a solution/bypass/workaround to this problem, please pm me or reply to this port. Thanks
  17. Offline


    Do you have your MA set so it disables command while in the arena? I use mcMMO and MobArena together flawlessly.
    bobacadodl likes this.
  18. Offline


    @bobacadodl @tom if a Mob Arena is in session, then warping into and out of the arenas shouldn't be possible, MA watches for teleports and denies them if it's to or from an Arena region in session.
    But... that's only if the arena's setting for "allow-teleporting:" is set to false
    bobacadodl likes this.
  19. Offline


    Problem with that is the fact that it still leaves a blank space where the string used to be. It's still rather annoying since it pushes chat upward. And it's heavily spammed when I'm in creative mode and have to do alot of right-clicking. If there is a way to remove the string completely, this mod would be perfect.
  20. Offline


    McMMO is amazing! Just some VERY simple requests (unless they are already possible/you are working on it :)) Add options to easily enable/disable every skill. The repair skill is really unfair on my server and I don't want people using it. Also its annoying because it makes iron blocks get in the way all the time. Another request is to optionally, make iron blocks turn into anvils when you point at the and type /mcmmo create anvil (or something of the sort) . Also, make the anvil block configurable! I use iron blocks in alot of my sctructures so you can see why i find the repair skill especially annoying. :D Thanks for taking your time to read this, and I hope you add at least some of these features to make this plugin even better than it already is.
  21. Offline


    I can't say anything on the second part of that request, but as far as enabling/disabling every skill, just (if you use permissions) negate the repair skill node from their permissions (- -mcmmo.skills.repair). If you don't use a permissions plugin, then I don't believe it's possible.
    I'd love to see that myself though, since I'm currently not running any permissions plugin.

    Honestly, I feel it should be a solo (not touching any other) iron block as an anvil, so iron structures don't constantly yell at you saying "that item is at full durability". If it's a solo iron block, do the repair stuff, if it's got at least one adjacent iron block, don't repair or say anything.
  22. Offline


    going to try it:)
  23. Offline


  24. Offline


    Based on reading past posts it's some sort of mysql issue and if you delete that players entry it'll reset itself.

    I've got a new question as well.
    2011-11-13 18:55:41 [INFO] SQLException: Field 'party' doesn't have a default value
    2011-11-13 18:55:41 [INFO] SQLState: HY000
    2011-11-13 18:55:41 [INFO] VendorError: 1364
    2011-11-13 18:55:41 [INFO] SQLException: Duplicate entry '0' for key 1
    2011-11-13 18:55:41 [INFO] SQLState: 23000
    2011-11-13 18:55:41 [INFO] VendorError: 1062
    2011-11-13 18:55:41 [INFO] SQLException: Field 'world' doesn't have a default value
    2011-11-13 18:55:41 [INFO] SQLState: HY000
    2011-11-13 18:55:41 [INFO] VendorError: 1364
    2011-11-13 18:55:41 [INFO] SQLException: Duplicate entry '0' for key 1
    2011-11-13 18:55:41 [INFO] SQLState: 23000
    2011-11-13 18:55:41 [INFO] VendorError: 1062
    2011-11-13 18:55:41 [INFO] SQLException: Duplicate entry '0' for key 1
    2011-11-13 18:55:41 [INFO] SQLState: 23000
    2011-11-13 18:55:41 [INFO] VendorError: 1062
    2011-11-13 18:55:41 [INFO] Creating empty config: ../minecraft/plugins/Essentials/userdata/playername.yml
    2011-11-13 18:55:41 [INFO] playername [/55.555.555.555:5555] logged in with entity id 154862 at ([TechGalaxy] 234.5, 112.62000000476837, 277.5)
    I keep getting this whenever new player log into my server and McMMO isn't creating new entries in the DB for them. Current players are being updated just fine so it' not my connect to mysql that's a problem. Also Logblock doesn't have any issue adding new people to it's DBs

    Any ideas?
  25. Offline



    Our server (MutinyCraft) loves your plugin. One of the ideas that my server suggested was a Diving/Swimming skill that could be added into the plugin.

    Members of our server elaborated on what we found could be a very plausible idea:

    Ways to level up this skill: Playing with water (buckets), swimming distances, diving from high points, scuba diving (staying underwater for as long as possible without using all your bubbles and drowning)

    Perks associated with this skill - Faster swimming, longer breath, increased underwater vision, increased underwater combat skills, less food stamina usage while in water.

    In terms of special abilities associated with this skill:

    Running on top of Water
    A player with a high enough swim level would have the ability (you right click when you want to use it), that, once the player gains enough swim speed would be able to swim upwards to the surface and be able to 'run', so-to-speak, on top of the water blocks - they would be able to move back underwater if they wanted to.

    Speed Boost
    Swim at high speed for a few seconds underwater.

    Please post comments/critiques/suggestions to this idea. I'd love to hear them :)
  26. Offline


    Skyrim is a pretty good game! I don't agree with the level scaling but I'm enjoying it thoroughly.

    I'm going to do all I can to have the next content update for mcMMO out this month, hopefully you will all find it to be a satisfying update. It's always a bit interesting working on new skills and reworking old ones.

    I'll be putting out betas for the next mcMMO update when the time comes, I'll be looking forward to testers.
  27. Offline


    Is there any way to fix the deal where VoxelSniper and mcMMO share the /p command? Currently, the /p in VoxelSniper overrides the /p in mcMMO. Maybe you could change it to /pchat?

    Thanks a bunch, especially for all the work you've been putting into this to have a big update.
  28. Offline


    There is a bug with the spout server plugin and spoutcraft. i wasnt able to take a screenshot and somehow it fixed itself..? basically everything was looking like this as a descrtion:

    if you were to type in /mcmmo, it usually gives a full chat size description. but instead did something like !mcmmo description!

    and when you type /mcc everyhting was improperly spaced and descriptions for each command was !mcmorandomstuffhere!
  29. Offline


    I'm encountering something similar with the Stats plugin I want to use. Both mcMMO and Stats use the command /stats. Sometimes it shows for mcMMO, sometimes it shows for Stats.

    I see in the config, near the middle of the file, there's a list of commands that can be toggled. Can we change the command alias in this file as well?
  30. Offline


    Our server is really enjoying this plugin, we have encountered a bug though when it is used alongside another plugin called MobArena, specifically when fighting a boss. Rapid skill advancement can be seen by merely hitting the boss. If you choose to be an archer, your taming skill and archery skill will gain huge advancements, the same for sword skills etc etc and even unarmed!

    I'm hoping it will be possible to apply some kind of fix?
    Great plugin though, adds a lot to MC without being too OTT!
    Nice work!
  31. Offline


    You can. Our server remapped it to /mcstats.

    I've noticed this too - I think it has to do with the amounts of health that the bosses have in MobArena. I doubt there's anything that he can do about this, as it's likely correctly calculating the amount of damage the bosses are taking & calculating the XP from that.
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