[ADMN/SEC] BananaCurse v1 - Curse those griefers! A complete anti-TNT/bedrock placing solution [818]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by codename_B, May 26, 2011.

  1. Offline


    BananaCurse v1
    A complete anti-TNT/bedrock placing solution

    Version: 1

    Features: Turns any tnt or bedrock that non-ops try to place into bananas! After the griefer has tried to place tnt or bedrock they are cursed to forever build bananas until the next server restart or /reload!
    Download: Download Link v1
    Commands: none
    Config: none

    Installation: place in your plugins/ folder and /reload
    Source: tba

    • 26/05/2011 - v1 - released plugin into the wild.
  2. Offline


    This Plugin looks nice :)
  3. Offline


    Lol! That's a great idea!
  4. Offline


    :D noone can stay on a server where they're being made a banana of!
  5. Offline


    this has already ben made
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    what im saying is that this plugin has ben made before.
    so how about a plugin that...
    makes you go fast swimming up water
    that be great for water elevators but make the speed configable
    see thats something that hasnt been made before
  8. Offline


    Where has this plugin "ben" made before? I'd like to see any plugin that turns tnt/bedrock placed by anyone other than ops into bananas.

    Please, please show me where this plugin is.
  9. Offline


    I have never seen a plugin similar to this before. Maybe you looked at this thread earlier.
  10. Offline


    Can you add a command to decurse somebody?

    Also, you need to update to RB in your title. XD

  11. I love this plugin, I love ALL your plugins come to think of it. Your BananaChunk one especially, but this one, makes me laugh. :D

    Thank you, great stuff!
  12. Offline


    I <3 this plugin, but it needs an uncurse command D: Please? Hell, I love Bananachunk too :D And is there a chance of a permissions hook-in?
  13. Offline


    Makes me laugh too ;) wait till you see my next "funny" plugin ;)

    Erm... why? Of course there's a chance, just make a good case for it.
  14. Offline


    More control over who can be Cursed, and a method of curing the curse, maybe with a command, or if you have the time, some kind of Altar? Maybe a settable curse length? Just a few ideas the people on my server had when we tested this on an unsuspecting new person :D
  15. Offline


    I like the altar to get uncursed idea.
    Palfreyfish likes this.
  16. Offline


    I was playing a lot of Oblivion recently, and I had to go to an altar to purify meself :D
  17. Offline

    Deleted user

    Didn't see anything about specifying who this effects.

    So OPs are going to place bananas too?
  18. Offline


    No. That would be silly.
  19. Offline

    Deleted user

    Exactly. But there's nothing about permissions so how do we set who this would effect?
  20. Offline


    You obviously don't run a server since you don't know how to op someone.
  21. Offline

    Deleted user

    .. And you obviously don't realize that some people actually have staff positions on their server. Not everyone has nothing but your basic players and OPs. A majority of people have moderators and admins. I don't add OP status to moderators - they have access to everything they need through nodes. Maybe I don't want to add bananacurse to them?

    edit: just noticed "Features: Turns any tnt or bedrock that non-ops try to place into bananas!"
    Guess I should read the full posts more often.
    that's fair.
  22. Offline


    Well then, source is in the .jar, add permissions to it and use it to your needs, heck, even rerelease it.
  23. Offline


    is there a way to add your own illegal items?
  24. Offline


    MySQL and H2 support please!
  25. Offline


    its a shitty joke. so for next time you think about using it, stfu
  26. Offline


    why is not on .jar? i need only .jar not they class and folder!
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  29. Offline


    eu acho que você devia aumentar o tempo do plugin,tipo assim,eu fui testar o plugin e fui quebrando tudo ai os blocos voltaram más logo depois eu fui consiguindo quebrar os blocos. corrige isso ai pra mim por favor.

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