Player Job Listings

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Melonking, Oct 2, 2011.

  1. Quite simple, Dr.Hat needs someone to help him harvest in his melon farm.

    He types, /job new Harvest Crops 30, or something like that. the 30 is the pay he is offering.

    Dr.Shoe logs in and needs some money so he does /job list, and gets a list of all the jobs currantly available. He likes melon farms, so he does /job accept <jobID>, Dr.Hat is notified so he can come watch his new slave, and Dr.Shoe is tp'd to the melon farm.

    When the job is done Dr.Hat does /job <jobID> done, it is removed from the listing, and Dr.Shoe gets his pay.

    Seems so simple I'm sure there is something like it, but if not would be great.
  2. Offline


    This is a very good idea, *BUMP*
  3. Glad someone likes it.
  4. Offline


    Fantastic Idea,
    I am all for this. Though I am going to do some research on whether it already exists. However, If the job title were more than 1 word it would be a problem. The command structuring might have to be different.

    (On a side note, If you were to use spout on this where you could type /job then it would bring up a GUI with things such as Browse Open Jobs, Create Job, Previous Work, ect. Where browse would have a scroll able table/list with The work, Pay, The person hiring, and side notes. While the create job would have the Job, Pay, and side notes, And lastly the previous work would have the total accumulated money, and a list with the same structuring as browsing open jobs while being filled with previous work.)

    With Regards,

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