Compiling Bukkit + CraftBukkit

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by teuneboon, Oct 2, 2011.

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    This is not exactly for a plugin, more for a custom server mod me and some friends are making. I'll explain: we modded MC with some extra blocks, now we want to use them on the server as well(people who join the server will have this mod installed client-side). I've searched a bit and didn't find a way to make this possible using Bukkit plugins alone, so we tried to mod (Craft)Bukkit itself. When we mod CraftBukkit alone it works fine, but it throws NullPointerExceptions because the new blocks aren't in Easy I thought, just checkout Bukkit and edit, and I did exactly that. I compiled Bukkit and CraftBukkit, but then I was stuck, how do I combine the custom Bukkit.jar with the custom CraftBukkit.jar? I'm not that experienced with maven unfortunatly :(.

    tl;dr: got a custom Bukkit and CraftBukkit, how do I combine them(or build them combined)

    p.s: if you know of a way to add custom blocks that work on Bukkit as well with only plugins and the users having the mod installed client-side please tell me.
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    You need to set up a maven project for each of them. Then just build CraftBukkit, and it will include Bukkit!
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    Then how does CraftBukkit know where to find my custom Bukkit?
    Maybe you can upload an example pom.xml?(I should really learn Maven as a developer, I know :p)
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    I think you'd like it more if I'd just bump this instead of creating an entire new topic. Still haven't figured this out, help? anyone? :p
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    Me too, i want to make a minor change to org.bukkit.command.defaults.GameModeCommand.class in craftbukkit, just so that it doesn't broadcast a gamemode change to the whole server. But i actually am having a bit of trouble...

    How does one just compile a java file without the source?
    (oh, and yeah i've used decompiling, but i can't exactly get that to work)
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