[ADMN] CommandToggle v0.1 - Toggling for other Plugins [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by snikkers, Aug 26, 2011.

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    Version: v0.1

    This is my first Plugin for Bukkit, so please don´t blame me for anything thats wrong or does not work.

    The Plugin simply offers the ability to bind two commands from another plugin into one command.

    I was missing this feature in some of the plugins i use for my private server.

    - Add Toggles to Plugins that do not support it.
    - Change the Toggles u created
    - Add Parameter to the Commands with underscore
    - Add / Change Toggles in the config file (plugins/CommandToggle/config.yml)

    How to use:

    Copy CommandToggle.jar into your plugin folder and start your server

    The config.yml is created on first launch. All toggles will be stored in this file.
    If u add Toggles via config.yml don´t forget to increase the ToggleNo. (may not always be on top of the file)

    I would prefer adding toggles ingame.

    Available commands:

    commands (open)
    /toggle <id>
    alias: /tg <id>

    /tadd <command 1/on> <command 2/off>
    alias: /ta <command 1/on> <command 2/off>

    /tchange <id> <command 1/on> <command 2/off>
    alias: /tc <id> <command 1/on> <command 2/off>

    /tinfo <id> (without id u receive a list of all toggles)
    alias: /ti <id>

    The usage is quiet easy - here one example:

    example (open)
    I am using CreativeBuild and wanted to enable / disable it with one command.

    Usually commands would be "/cbon" and "/cboff"

    To add the toggle: /tadd cbon cboff

    Then a Message like this shows up:

    [Command Toggle] Command No. 2 set.

    [Command Toggle] First / ON Command: /cbon

    [Command Toggle] Second / OFF Command: /cboff

    U need the Command No. to execute the toggle.

    To use the Toggle type:

    /toggle 2

    Another example with parameters / underscore

    example2 (open)
    I want to pause / unpause time with AdminCmd.

    To add the toggle: /tadd time_pause time_unpause
    (the undescore is for the space)

    Then a Message like this shows up:

    [Command Toggle] Command No. 3 set.

    [Command Toggle] First / ON Command: /time pause

    [Command Toggle] Second / OFF Command: /time unpause

    As you can see, the underscore has been replaced with space

    Now agaun you need the Command No. to execute the toggle.

    To use the Toggle type:

    /toggle 3


    - Ability to remove toggles
    - Permissions support

    Bugs / Issues:

    - I don´t know if Plugin overrides Permissions, but don´t think so. Would be nice if someone could test it


    Source Code
    Will be released later.


    Version 0.1:
    - Initial release​
  2. Offline


    Approved, but please look to the future: BukkitDev.
  3. Offline


    I´ll take a look :)
  4. Offline


    nice, but i have 2 plugins with /home. Can i disable /home from one plugin and ONLY enable it for the other?
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    what happens when you use /home ?
    which plugins are u running ?

    usually only one plugin should react

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