One web server with separate worlds for survival and creative?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Keksgott, Sep 14, 2011.

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    Hey crafters! (Für alle Deutschen: Hey ihr Häuslebauer! ^^)

    We run our own web server with craftbukkit 1.8 (since it came out today! :D) and we are planning to have two seperate worlds on it: one for survival and one for creative mode.

    How can this be done with just this one server? Do we have to use different network ports for the worlds? How could the clients connect to the specific worlds?

    Thanks in advance for all of your answers!

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    If you need two worlds, use MultiVerse.
    You can then teleport between these 2 worlds.
  3. Offline


    Wow, that was a quick answer. Thank you!
    I hope, this plugin will be released for 1.8-bukkit too...
  4. Offline


    I expect that it would ;)
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