Multiple Spawn Locations. Randomized on new login.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by EHAndrew, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I've been thinking about how cool it would be to have players spawn in a random location (out of a list of preset coordinates) upon first login.

    On our server (, we have spawn towns. One problem we have is people are reluctant to go too far in one direction and build. This makes the area around the spawn start to look fairly trashy and the same places get griefed over and over.

    The solution we came up with seems pretty simple in theory: find a plugin that allows for multiple NEW spawn locations. It would help us spread out players, reduce large griefs, and give us a reason to keep building new towns in interesting areas.

    I'll be honest, I know nothing about plugin development, but it seems like something that could be done in a very small package.

    Proposed Commands (permissions/groupmanager support a must):
    /multispawn set <name>
    /multispawn remove <name>

    Proposed YML format:
    world: <worldname>
    x: <number>
    y: <number>
    z: <number>

    Now the obvious questions:
    Can it be done?
    What will it take to make it happen?
  2. Offline


    I don't know much java, but I'm pretty sure it's just gathering the coordinates of spawn locations, then using a random number generator to determine which spawn to go to.
    Another question, would the /spawn command take you to the original spawn, or a random spawn as well.
    Also, would you be able use /spawn 1 to take to the 1st spawn, /spawn 3 for 3rd spawn and so on?
  3. Offline


    i would say that might work, yes. maybe...

    /randomspawn takes to a random spawn
    /spawn <name> takes to a specified spawnpoint
  4. Offline


    So, would someone do it?

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