How do you "create" a new block for the game?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by badcc, Sep 10, 2011.

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    I used to make a few Single Player Mods, but then I discovered Multiplayer :p
    Is it very easy to make a new block for the game?

    Thank you!
  2. Offline


    It's not hard to make a new block, but to make the clients see it, that's the challenge
  3. Offline


    I see, Would it be easier to not have it generate in the world, just have it be made when the player craft's it? Or is that still hard to make them see it?
  4. Offline


    they can't see it, the server tells the client there is something there, the client doesn't know what it is, tho I might be wrong...

    I think Spout can do it tho, look into it :p
  5. Offline


    This is kinda off-topic, but I c u plai roblawkz.
  6. You have to use spout, in reality.

    or make your own client mod :O
  7. Offline


    I see, and Spout is like an external Jar that I add? Or how do I use it?
  8. Its a client and server mod. There are four parts:
    Spout.jar <- Server plugin, You don't do anything
    Spoutcraft <- Custom Client, you also don't do anything
    SpoutAPI.jar <- API for spout.jar, you include in your project
    SpoutcraftAPI.jar <- API For Spoutcraft, you include in your project.

    Search Spout on the forums, go to, and join #Spout and #Spoutdev on for more info.

    @Afforess care to explain? :p
  9. Offline


    So, I take Spout.jar, and add it as a plugin, then take SpoutAPI and add it as an External Jar to my plugin? Do I need the Spoutcraft Jars for anything?
  10. Offline


    imports maybe, not sure, never used it :p

    like these: import;
    but with Spout insted
  11. Offline


    I guess I should start from the start and ask this question, What is Spout? Is it just a launcher?
  12. Offline


  13. Offline


    Spout allows the bukkit server communicate to clients (if they are using the Spoutcraft launcher)
    It allows server plugins to do things normally only client mods could.
  14. Offline

    John McCarthy

    Spout does not support new blocks yet, sorry. :/

    Also, change your profile picture, before I vomit
  15. Offline


    Changed. I really don't know how that last one got there, I just made the account.
  16. Offline

    John McCarthy

    Haha Thanks :)
  17. Offline


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