Skylands crashes the server since CB 1000

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by uncovery, Aug 7, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    I have a problem when users join the skylands since they do not seem to die when they fall of the skylands. After they fall, they try to log back in with coordinates in the -y value:

    2011-08-08 00:47:47 [INFO] <user> <ip> logged in with entity id 2147226 at ([skylands] 475.0939776106811, -73.83340857907588, 33.99777082139628)

    From there on, the server is bust:

    2011-08-08 00:48:33 [INFO] Connection reset
    2011-08-08 00:48:45 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-08-08 00:49:01 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-08-08 00:49:09 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-08-08 00:49:17 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-08-08 00:49:40 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-08-08 00:49:45 [INFO] Read timed out

    This only happens in skylands.
    any idea what to do?

    Plugins running:

    Plugins: Permissions, AfkBooter, HeroChat, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, HTTPConsole, LogOres, Whitelist, MinecartManiaCore, VirtualShop, CraftIRC, NoCheat, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, MinecartManiaStation, MinecartManiaAdminControls, XcraftGate, MinecartManiaSignCommands, BananaChunk, nSpleef, PlgLogCmd, Votifier, BigBrother, MapMarkers, Questioner, CommandBook, Towny, iConomy, Minequery, VanishNoPickup, WeatherRestrictions
  2. Offline


    @uncovery I have the same issue, did you figure out the problem?
  3. Offline


    I assume the bedrock (no blocks can be placed) level is at 0?
    I can do a quick plugin which kills you when you're beneath that limit!
  4. Offline


    Maybe you have set disable void damage to true in the WorldGuard config for the world?
  5. Offline


    well the world is suppose to work with inception (tested alot, it is not the cause) but SOME people will crash the server if they fall, while others wont.

    Very very odd.
  6. Offline


    yes. People are spawned in the void. You need to install the deathonvoid plugin.
  7. Offline


    @uncovery after testing i found out that for me it wasnt spawning in the void that caused the issue, it was godpowers was throwing errors that locked up the server (god-powers plugin).

    Also, why not use incepetion, then the players just fall through to another world.
  8. Offline


    If they fall, they should die. My server is survival after all :)
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