[FUN/MISC] FacePalm v0.3 - Because Minecraft needs it [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by badbh222, Jun 16, 2011.

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    FacePalm - Because Minecraft needs it.
    Version: 0.3


    FacePalm is a plugin I threw together when I saw this reply by phondeux and thought it might be fun to make, so here it is. :D

    Basic Usage:

    Drop "FacePalm.jar" in the "plugins" directory and restart the server or reload the plugins.
    A folder appropriately named "FacePalm" will be created in the "plugins" directory along with a text file named "Messages.txt".
    By default, FacePalm writes the default Message layout when it creates the file:

    &a[%n] &fPalm&a->&fFace
    &a[%n] &fFacepalm...
    Custom1 || &a[%n] &fFacepalm...&4LIKE A BOSS!

    The first two lines are the standard "/facepalm" or "/facepalm <User>" command lines, of which, one will be chosen by random upon running the command, you could (theoretically) have an unlimited amount of these random messages.
    The last line is a custom command message, you can use these lines by typing "/facepalm custom <Custom message name>", Eg: "/facepalm custom Custom1" to display the one that is written there by default.
    You could (theoretically) have as many of these as you want too... Be sure to separate the title and message of the custom message with double vertical bars ( || ), just copy and paste the original ones if you are unsure.
    In the messages, "%n" holds the player who sent the commands' name, and "&a", "&f" and "&4" are the Minecraft Colour Codes of Light Green, White and Dark Red, respectively.

    You can use any of these colours in your message:

    If you don't want to use random messages or custom messages, just leave the one line that you do want to use in "Messages.txt".


    To use any of the commands this plugin provides, the player must be an Op, or have the correct permission node.

    If Permissions is not installed, the player must be an Op to use any commands.


    • /facepalm - FACEPALM!!!11one
      • 'facepalm.self'
    • /facepalm <User> - Same thing, but for someone else
      • 'facepalm.other'
    • /facepalm custom <Title> - Uses the custom message with the title <Title>
      • 'facepalm.custom'
    • /facepalm reload config - Reloads the messages from "Messages.txt"
      • 'facepalm.reload'

    • (0.1) FacePalm yourself... LIKE A BOSS!
    • (0.2) FacePalm someone else... LIKE A BOSS!
    • (0.3) Chooses a random line from "Messages.txt" to be displayed.
    • (0.3) Named messages, use a specific custom message from "Messages.txt".


    FacePalm.jar - Hosted by Dropbox [diamond]

    Known Problems:
    • None, let me know if you find any.

    Possible Features:
    • Suggestions?


    Version 0.3
    • Added random line selection.
    • Added named custom messages.
    • Renamed "Message.txt" to "Messages.txt", sorry, my OCD kicked in... ;)
    • Messages are loaded on enable and by the "/facepalm reload config" command.
    • Some other stuff... :rolleyes:
    Version 0.2.1
    • Fixed a bug where you couldn't FacePalm yourself when permissions was disabled.
    • Switched to Logger instead of System.out.println().
    Previous Versions (open)

    Version 0.2
    • Added "/facepalm <User>" command to show that users name instead.
    Version 0.1.1
    • Fixed a silly error in the YML file. :rolleyes:
    Version 0.1
    • Initial release. [diamond]
  2. Offline


    Added in v0.3. :)

    Nope, I'm scared! :(
  3. Offline


  4. Offline


    \o/ Thanks!
  5. Offline


    I just wanted to make a facepalming plugin. But I wanted to add the arm swinging ? Just add it or I make one that does it ;)
  6. Offline


    Positioning player arms isn't client side! There was a plugin that used stairs as chairs,and it just positioned the player in sitting position,on the stair!
    I might be wrong,but i don't think so!
  7. Offline


    @sddddgjd The chair plugin I believe used paintings on the back of the stairs, and because paintings are entities and not blocks, the player is able to "mount" them like pigs/minecarts/boats, causing the sitting animation.
  8. Offline


    One works with paintings an other one with arrows.
  9. Offline


    I kinda want that rape plugin o.0
  10. Offline


    hey badbh222, im a fan of this pluggin, and i also like franklyns idea i downloaded this one, and it would be cool to have /Rape can you send me the /rape to go with /facepalm
    it would be greatly apreciated
  11. Offline


    Totally useless, but everyone needs a good lol every now and then.:D
  12. Offline


    is it not possible to just give us an empty config file where we could just create our own commands followed by the displayed message.
  13. Offline


    can I has rape plugin?

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