Adjustment Bureau type plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by bocaj812, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Anyone think it would be cool to put a pumpkin on your head open a door, walk through, and be walking out a different door? I thought it would be a funny server easter egg type thing. Someone should develop this. door warps? and put a pumpin on your head and it just chooses a door randomly? make it useful too I suppose.
  2. Offline


    That's a neat idea may try.... Although it would be admins with leather hats...
  3. Offline


    Would love to see this
  4. Offline



    Would mean keeping track of every single door loaded...

    And how would they turn the handle the other way?
  5. Offline


    I would think that you could implement it like this, doors are linked to each other, similar to portals. But, when wearing a hat, you will be teleported not to the door linked to the door you stepped into, but a door that is randomly selected by the plugin at the time.
  6. Offline


    Was thinking: No hat door is just a door.

    Hat on, random portal.

    Still, the memory overhead might cause too much lag.
  7. Offline


    Wow! I loved that movie! I would love to use this on my server!
  8. Offline


    I suppose so, stays true to the movie.
  9. Offline


    True to the movie would make some supercomplicated linking system, and then an even bigger more complicated map...
  10. Offline


    Dude mapapi integration would be AMAZING, but yes I suppose that would be quite extensive, and why I originally just suggested teleportation to a random door.
  11. Offline


    The only way i think that could happen is if someone coded the door to spawn a portal block when wearing a hat. If that's the case, the portal block on that particular door would act like a warp, possibly to another door, but to keep from any logical loops, you would warp NEXT to the door instead of in the door frame.

    If only the portal could act like the game Portal, and you could just render the other part of the map :p that would make me crap my pants with excitement lol
  12. Offline


    why would you need a portal block? just use a player detection type event, and then a teleport event. I don't know too much about the events in the bukkit api, but I'm pretty sure those are there.
  13. Offline


    The way its possible would be that you can define doors as "portal" doors, then when a player opens the door you get teleported to another door D:

    Might have a go at this if I'm bored later
  14. Offline


    but only when wearing a hat and having the permission node, otherwise it just functions as a normal door?
  15. Offline


    ye sure, thats just something to add later on, first the basics have to work, the permissions and the rest is easy :p
  16. Offline


    You dont NEED a portal block, but it would add a nice effect letting you know that your door has been activated to work like a portal (seeing as doors dont automatically show portal blocks when you open them :p)
  17. Offline


    But wouldn't you have to replace the door with portal blocks? then how do you shut it?
  18. Offline


    true :p for a while there I assumed you could overlay blocks (like put a portal block inside the door), well then nvm, lol
  19. Offline


    Idk might be possible, you can overlay arrows and steps... but arrows are entities aren't they?
  20. Offline


    This ^

    not possible :p

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