Some plugin is stopping my flying!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Acrylic, Jul 29, 2011.

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  1. Hey guys;

    So I run a server with NoCheat installed to stop people from flying, this works perfectly fine and stops flying in all directions. However, recently I have run into an issue, something is stopping the people who have the NoCheat permission nodes from flying. This may lead you to believe there is something wrong with NoCheat, but I don't think so as it allows flying forward and back but not straight up or diagonally up, also I do not get the [NC] MOVING VIOLATION message.

    This means it has to be another plugin, the Admin rank on my server can fly as he has the permission node '*' this means a plugin is stopping people from flying straight up.

    Here is my plugin list:


    If anyone could help identify the plugin that is stopping this I'm sure I can figure out the rest, thanks!
  2. It could be Towny as i know that has fly protection on it
  3. Thanks it was Towny!
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