Starting a Multiplayer Server (Need Help)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by ohtwo, Jul 14, 2011.

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    Hey guys! My friend and I have been at it for a while coming up with ideas to start up a public Minecraft Server. If you have some time on your hands, we need help from the Bukkit community as well on getting this server started. I will be attending college in the fall, and this is sort of a "summer side project."

    The Idea
    Our goal is to create a public server in which, to put it quite simply, people can have a fun experience without having to worry too much about knowing all the commands. This is why I have chosen to create land plots for people to purchase that will automatically be protected using the Residence plugin.

    Multiple worlds which serve different purposes. This will allow for multiple possibilities while keeping the main city world clean and enjoyable.

    Mining World
    A world in which a player can purchase a large plot of land simply for mining and can invite his or her own friends to join.

    A City World
    The main world in which a player can purchase land to build properties on.

    Still deciding. ;)

    Your Help
    I need your input, your ideas, and your imagination to craft this server into something that will be enjoyable. If you can help by offering input, answering questions, etc. it would be greatly appreciated!
    Step 1.​
    The Economy
    • Money needs to be flowing. I need a versatile job plugin which will allow the collection of money through various ways such as killing monsters, mining, etc. What plugin can do that?
    • I need base prices for items. These prices need to make sense. Does anyone have or know of any price list that we can use?
    Step 2.​
    Building & Preparing
    To really get people excited about wanting to join, we need a flagship city to showcase the possibilities. We need a working subway/train system. Innovative buildings. Sophistication. If you can assist with this, we can definitely use your help.
    Setting Up with Residence
    The Residence plugin is probably one of the most important parts of our server. This will allow us to set up land to be bought, set up PvP areas, etc. We need help designating these areas using the Residence plugin. We may also use Command signs to make buying of land quicker (click on sign will buy land!). However, this is time consuming.

    Everything is in working order for Build 1000. Railway and station construction is on the top priority list. Deciding whether or not we should switch to another land management plugin.​

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
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    Do you allready have a server on which you can have the Bukkit software?
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    Sorry for the really late reply. We do not have a dedicated server at the moment. We just start it up when we're able to build.
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    I can help i was planning on running my own server but i couldn't find a hosting site, I know almost everything on how to configure plugins and Iconomy stuff i run my own server for me and my friends with many plugins and i dont get any errors if i do i know how to fix them. I would love to help you make this server awesome.
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