Inactive [TP] xWarp v3.1.7 - MyWarp fork (w/ prices, economy, visibility) [1.2.5-R1.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by xZise, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Hello everyone,
    I forked the MyWarp project and added some functionality. In basic it is the same as the MyWarp.

    Now on BukkitDev
    This plugin is already on BukkitDev. I will transfer this post to BukkitDev.

    3.1.7 + marker (Tested: 1.2.5-R1.0)
    3.1.7 (Tested: 1.2.5-R1.0)
    2.12.0 (Tested: cb819, Should run ≥ cb691)
    All downloads

    The versions for other builds are normally only compatibly updates. So they don't provide other features. This means version “a-cb684” is the same (in basic) as “a-cb556” or simply “a”.
    Notice: With version 2.3.0, 2.6.0, 2.8.0, 2.9.0, 3.0.0 (or later) I changed the database layout. Previous versions of xWarp couldn't read this database. So backup it for sure.


    Changelog moved to BukkitDev. The full changelog is still on github.

    Since 2.8.0 it is possible to use prices for warp and creation. It uses the Permissions nodes to change define basic prices. Also it is possible to define a price for each warp. At the moment iConomy version 4 and 5, Essentials Economy (at least Dev build 2.2.104) and BOSEconomy supported.
    Global/Public/Private warps
    With the Version 2.0.0 beta 13 I introduce the new state of global warps. Every user can create warps for its own (public/private) like before and hasn't be aware of already existing one's from others. So Player “A” could create a warp named “foo” and another Player “B” could also create a warp called “foo”. Now to access these warps you have to specify which warp do you want to use.
    Therefore I added a parameter to specify the owner of the warp. To warp to the “foo” warp of Player “A” you simply type:
    /warp foo A
    You could exchange the second parameter (= A) with a B to warp to B's warp “foo”.
    Now to shorten the warps you could globalize a warp with
    /warp global <name> <owner>
    Now you don't have to add the owner of the warp. For example if somebody globalized the warp “foo” of player “A” you now can simply type:
    /warp foo
    There is one rule: “If you don't define the owner it searches the global warps.”
    But a global warp also has a owner (in our case Player “A”) so you also define the owner.
    So there is one major change: If your warp contains a space you have to escape it, otherwise it will guess the second part as a owner (to escape see the section above).
    For further information visit the wiki.
    Sign Warps
    Creating a sign warp is really easy. You have 3 layouts: MyWarp, Single Line and xWarp.
    In MyWarp your sign has two lines. In the first place only “MyWarp” and in the second the name of the warp. This works only if the warp is in the global map.
    The “Single Line” layout only needs a line with “Warp: <name>”. If there are more than one lines with this layout on one sign it won't work. The colon is optional, the W could be lowercase and the spaces between “Warp:” and the name have to be at least one.
    With xWarp layout you could place “xWarp” in the first line (case-insensitive) or “Warp”/“warp” and optional a colon.
    In the second line is the name of the warp and in the third the owner (optional)
    Upcoming changes
    Backups? (unknown)
    If possible I maybe make it possible to backup the warps with others backup plugins. It is only an idea at a moment, but maybe sometimes xWarp supports this.
    tkelly's suggestion system (Suspended)
    tkelly created a system, that can get a warp similar named if you didn't spell it right.

    Fabian aka xZise
    RazorFlint, Taranis01 and uitology like this.
  2. Offline


    Nice idea, I will look into this.

    Jep I should implement something like this (also port all warps to the new world).

    BPCM likes this.
  3. Offline


    In my permissions file I give a group the '*' node. But they still dont have permission in the game to warp.
  4. Offline


    Check out the common questions I linked in the OP. There should be an answer for your problem. You need more than the* permission.

  5. Hi! Is there any way, to disable converting warps name to lowercase?
    Iam using bcooldowns plugin to set different cooldowns to diferent warps. But when i use /warp arena and /warp Arena, it gives me two cooldown times and more for aRena, ARena and etc. I need that users have to type exact name of warp, so if there is warp named "arena" and user uses command /warp Arena, it gives him message that there is no warp named "Arena". Is it possible somehow?
  6. Offline


    Did I configure something wrong?
    I have to deal with this problem. I hope the following example will show this:
    I set the price for creating public warps to $50, the price for private warps to $10.
    Now, if someone "/warp create" a warp, he has to pay 50 for this public warp.
    But if someone types "/warp createp" and then "/warp public" he will create a public warp. But he only paid 10 for this action.
    So there has to be a fix that checks...
    a) if the price of a private/public warp is higher than for the one which was created firstly and then take the amount of money which is missing to pay the action. (In this case $40.)
    b) the price of creating a public/private warp and the player has to pay the full amount of money everytime he wants to change the public/private state of a warp. (Creating private warp --> Paying $10 --> Switching to public --> Paying $50 --> Switching to private --> Paying $10 etc.)
    Is this possible in the future? Or is this possible already?

    And for now:
    Is there a solution to disable switching warps from private to public and the other way?
    The actual permission is:
    warp.create.private – Allows the player to create private warps or make his warps private.
    You could change this for example to:
    warp.create.private.set – Allows the player to create private warps.
    warp.create.private.change – Allows the player to make his warps private.
    -sry 4 bad english- :D
  7. Offline


    Hmmm this is annoying, maybe I could add a setting, that the name has to completely equal. But this won't allow to create a warp called “foo” and a warp called “Foo”. Maybe later I will expand this, to allow such warps.

    A nice to hear :p Didn't thought about this problem. I prefer the second way, as this is easier to implement. For example if you later change the price for a private warp to $5 what should users pay, which bought private warps for $10? $40 or $45? The first one isn't possible, because xWarp doesn't store the buy price of this warp. Only for future warps.

    I will add an option to switch from the b) model (paying separately for each buy/swtiching) to the second a) model (paying $45).

    Hmm I don't see any usage of this (there is no difference between creating a private warp and creating a non private and convert them to private). But I could them. Those which want the old behavior then select warp.create.private.*.

  8. Yea, thats exactly what i need. I dont need to create warps foo and Foo. I just need that names has to completely equal.

    Ok, this is no longer needed. I creater my own plugin for cooldows, which puts any combination of lower and upper case commands under same cooldown. Soon i will post in on this forums :).

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  9. Offline


    I totally understand your thinkings because I can imagine the way of implementing those things. This was also the reason why I suggested the "b) model", because it's much easier to do. But it's really nice to hear from you that you have the idea to add the buy price of an private/public warp to the database. Would be great to see that - thank you so much for your support here. =)
    You don't see any usage? That's right ... because after adding the "a)/b) model" solution there is no usage for this. I mentioned the split of the permission to - let's say - show a "c) model". Because if you hadn't want to add the "a)/b) model" my third way would have been the disabling of warp.create.private.change. ;)
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    Yep: Known and xWarp will support this:
  12. Offline


    I cant get permissions fixed at all...
    Im using permissions v3.1.5 and bukkit Build 1000, and youre newest xWarp version.
    How should i make my permissions, can you please do it for me, i CANT get it fixed...

            default: true
                prefix: '&0'
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                interact: true
              - 'iConomy.access'
              - 'iConomy.rank'
              - 'iConomy.list'
              - 'iConomy.payment'
              - 'jail.usercmd.jailstatus'
    I want to give them permissions for 1 global and 2 privates....
  13. Offline


    This should do it.

  14. Offline


    Well, it just doesnt work for me.
    I copied youre thingie in, and started the server blabla.
    No errors or something, but it just wont limit the warps...
    Bukkit build: 1000 ; Permissions 3.1.5 ; xWarp latest version.

    Got any idea? :3
  15. Offline


    Ehr... I updated the file. It has to be limit and not limits.


    With 3.0.0 there will be also warp protection areas (cuboids where nobody except invited/owner/with override permission could create warps). Now I plan to reorganize the permissions. My approach would be, that every permission starts with “xwarp”. Then there will be “warp” if the permission is to manage warp, or “wpa” to manage warp protection areas. There will be also a third type to manage both (for example reload database or get status).

    So to allow to create a private warp the permission change from warp.create.private to xwarp.warp.create.private.

    Also 3.0.0 is coming closer. I plan to finish the creation of warp protection areas today. Then there is only testing left.


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  16. Offline


    Hmmm, thanks!
    Though it doesnt work a 100%
    Im using this file now:
            default: true
                prefix: '&0'
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                interact: true
                        private: 2
                        global: 0
                        public: 1
    When i type:
    /warp create test1
    /warp private test1
    /warp create test2
    /warp private test2
    /warp create test3
    /warp private test3
    /warp create test4
    /warp private test4

    It just allows me to do that, the limiter does work now, but i think its a bug...
    Hope you can fix it...
  17. Offline


    Ah, okay … So try “/warp +p testN” which will fail, if you have to many private warps. You can check the limits via “/warp create”. If the creation of a private warp fail (warp createp) and create a public one and privatize doesn't fail, then it is a bug.

  18. Offline


    The command /warp createp will get blocked if you got already max private warps.
    But the command to private a public warp isnt blocked, i hope you can fix that :3
    Btw, v3.0.0 looks awesome! I hope you will add WorldGuard regions or something?
    Awesome! Happy coding :D
  19. Offline


    At the moment I don't support something like WorldGuard regions. Maybe in future. At the moment I plan that you can create a wpa with a create command and then selecting the cuboid by hitting the two borders by a wooden sword.

  20. Offline


    @xZise : You can only have one CB# in your title, which must be the latest Recommended Build. No unofficial builds.

    PS: Did you change your name? I thought it was... Fabian.
  21. Offline


    Ah, oke. Well it sounds good anyway!
  22. Offline


    Ah k… I try to support as many builds as possible and added several CB# so if somebody else searches for plugins compatible with CraftBukkit build 935 somewhere it was recommended to search for [935]. My plugin officially supports this build, so I thought, if somebody searches for this build that this plugin should be listed.

    Did you mean me? My nickname is always xZise but I'm “signing” the posts with Fabian.

    @MuisYa: I added source code, to allow the change of visibility only if the creator of the warp has enough warps left.

  23. Offline


    Warp status problem:
    16:55:33 [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'warp
    ' in plugin xWarp v2.12.0
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
            at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(NetServerHandler.
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
            at de.xzise.wrappers.Handler.getWrapperName(
            at de.xzise.xwarp.commands.StatusCommand.internalExecute(StatusCommand.j
            at de.xzise.xwarp.commands.SubCommand.execute(
            at de.xzise.xwarp.CommandMap.executeCommand(
            at me.taylorkelly.mywarp.MyWarp.onCommand(
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
            ... 12 more
  24. Offline


    Do you use an economy/permissions plugin?

  25. Offline


    I use permissionsEX and iconomy (both I have the latest versions). Also, I just discovered that regardless of giving them permissions (* and warp.command.list and no one but me can list warps or use warps. Any ideas on any of this?
  26. Offline


    @xZise on /warp createg Warapalicious

    2011-07-30 22:50:11 [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'warp' in plugin xWarp v2.12.0
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
            at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Unsupported operation
            at com.platymuus.bukkit.permcompat.PermissionHandler.getPermissionInteger(
            at de.xzise.wrappers.permissions.PermissionsPluginWrapper.getInteger(
            at de.xzise.wrappers.permissions.PermissionsHandler.getInteger(
            at de.xzise.xwarp.WarpManager.addWarp(
            at de.xzise.xwarp.commands.CreateCommand.internalExecute(
            at de.xzise.xwarp.commands.SubCommand.execute(
            at de.xzise.xwarp.CommandMap.executeCommand(
            at me.taylorkelly.mywarp.MyWarp.onCommand(
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
            ... 12 more
    No economy plugin, PermissionsBukkit setup to use SuperpermsBridge.
  27. Offline


    Okay… I have Permissions and Essentials Economy and got no error. And I doubt that it doesn't work because of you are using other plugins. Does xWarp use both? Something like this:
    2011-07-30 17:50:44 [INFO] [xWarp]: Linked with economy system: Essentials v2.4.2
    2011-07-30 17:50:44 [INFO] [xWarp]: Linked with permissions system: Permissions v3.1.5* isn't enough to warp. Please read the common questions in the OP. What do the players get, when they try to use list or search? It should work and it works (with Permissions 3.1.5) on my server.

    Yep, and this plugin fires with exceptions when I'm trying to read how many warps a user can own or whatever ;) xWarp 3.0.0 will support SuperPerms (but no permissions values).

  28. Offline


    Any update on when 3.0 will be out?
  29. Offline


    When it's done ;) I could remove many bugs today, and I already updated some of the docs, and I plan to release a DEVELOPMENT build hopefully tomorrow.

  30. Offline


    Don't know if this has been mentioned to you, but uninviting players from warps is broken.

    I had several complains and just tested this myself why being logged in with two accounts at the same time.

    I get the message that I have been uninvited as I should, but I am still able to warp to the uninvited warp. I did try to warp to it before being invited and it did not work.
  31. Offline


    Can you check if you are invited (after you was uninvited) with the warp info command. And is it either before a reload/restart or after that or at both times?

    Okay it seems, that I already (accidentally :D ) fixed this.


    Okay I uploaded a 3.0.0 DEVELOPMENT build. I didn't test all features, so there most likely will be bugs. Please don't blame me if you are loosing any files or have bugs. Report the bugs to me (the best would be at the Issue Tracker) and backup at least xWarp related files before you update it.


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016

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