Inactive [INFO] WheresMyBones v1.2.5.0 - Find stuff dropped at death [1.2.5-R1.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by DerHeiligste, Jul 8, 2011.

  1. Offline


    WheresMyBones - Where's My Bones?:
    Version: v1.2.5.0

    If you're out exploring when you die, it can be very difficult to find that stuff again. Where's my bones keeps track of your recent deaths and can tell you where you were when they happened. It can also orient your view towards the site of the death, and even track the site with your compass.


    • Keeps track of the 5 most recent places each player has died
    • Makes that information available to the player with /mybones
    • Can optionally notify players about the existence of the plugin on player death, using a configurable notification message.
    • The plugin can be configured to not use permissions at all.
    • With appropriate permissions, allows the player to orient their view towards a death location.
    • With appropriate permissions, allows the player to track the death location with his or her compass.
    • Optionally persists this data. If the data is not persisted, then information about "bones" is lost when the server resets.
    Download WheresMyBones v1.2.5.0 (Source Code)

    Usage (including required permission):
    • /mybones : list bones locations (com.mouthpunch.bones.list)
    • /mybones <bones location number> : orient view towards a bones location (com.mouthpunch.bones.orient)
    • /mybones <bones location number> compass : track a bones location with the compass (com.mouthpunch.bones.track)
    If permissions are active, but no permissions management plugin is in use, then the commands are for OPs only.

    Configuration (WheresMyBones/config.yml)

    This file will be created automatically with the default values if it does not exist when the plugin starts.
    Sample configuration:
    storage: config
    usePermissions: true
        active: true
        message: You can FNORD! your belongings using /mybones
    If "storage" is configured to be "config" then the locations will be persisted in the config.yml, otherwise they will not be persisted at all.


    • Added support for the Bukkit configuration API (WheresMyBones/config.yml).
    • By default, the server will restrict the use of the command using Permissions, will not persist the death locations, and will not notify the players about the plugin, but all of these are now configurable.
    • Converted to the built in Bukkit permissions.
    • Converted to the New Event System
    Version 0.0.2
    • Added permissions support.
    • Added view orientation.
    • Added compass tracking.
    Version 0.0.1
    • Initial release.
  2. Offline


    • Currently does not persist this data. Information about "bones" is lost when the server resets.
    Can you implement the option to save the deaths and read in the 5 most recent ones?

    This is a great plugin as I won't allow players to simply teleport to the location of their death
  3. Offline


    Could you implement a config file rather than permissions?

    Eg, let everyone toggle the compass tracking if something in the config is set.
    It's a shame this plugin has been mostly ignored - it looks useful with a bit of tweaking.
  4. Offline


    Nice plugin.
  5. Offline

    Codex Arcanum

    Could you please update this to R5?
  6. Offline

    Codex Arcanum

    I may be posting a highly unofficial and "as-is" 1.2 compatible build here in a day or two.

    Apparently this isn't as hard as I thought it was.
    For anyone who cares, here is a cursorily tested 1.2 compatible version of this plugin.

    Edit: New version uploaded. Doesn't throw pointless errors like previous. Use the same link.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  7. Offline


    Sorry about the delay. I updated the code a few weeks ago, but I couldn't remember the passphrase for my private key to upload the changes to GitHub. Thanks for doing the update!

    Version, with many of the requested features.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  8. Offline


    Or we could just do /back and warp back to the point of our death
  9. Offline


    This plugin is for servers that think that "/back" is too easy.
    Anthony13 likes this.

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