Eating memory like a fat kid on cake.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ariley92, Feb 3, 2011.

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    I've noticed that bukkit seems to use a little over twice as much RAM as hMod did. Not to make comparisons or anything, but why is this? My server, that used to only start to lag when about 40 people were on at once with hMod, now lags like crazy when 15 people are on with Bukkit.

    I use this command to start the server: java -Xmx1536M -Xms1536M -jar craftbukkit.jar

    Any ideas on why this happens, and how to fix it??
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    Turn on Garbage Collection in Java. Also, which plugins have you got installed? I find that plugins increase RAM usage a lot.

    Might be a good idea to put your CraftBukkit installation on a low-carbohydrate diet [​IMG]
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    Entirely different server mods. Plugins probably causing most of your grief though.

    Run your server with this instead (to turn on incremental garbage collection in Java):
    java -Xincgc -Xmx1536M -jar craftbukkit.jar nogui
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    yeah, could be plugins. atm i'm running permissions, essentials, worldedit, worldguard, and godmode.

    I guess I just don't see why bukkit has to use so much more memory than hMod did, for the exact same plugins.

    @TnT: I tried that command, didn't really help much. Thanks though!
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    I'm still not all that familiar with Java command line.. what does the first set of options do exactly and how does it help reduce memory usage?
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    Check this out.
    --- merged: Feb 4, 2011 4:12 PM ---
    Very well could be. As mentioned before, try removing them.

    I thought I already answered that, but let me try again.

    They are different. While your plugins may have the exact same functionality, they've been re-made to work with Bukkit's API. As well, hMod was a more mature server mod. You have a combination of plugin bugs, or CraftBukkit bugs, or plugins causing CraftBukkit bugs to become more prominent. It's not released yet. Its like asking why Windows 8 doesn't run as good as Windows 7.

    Plugins. Check them with as much ferocity as that fat kid checks out cake. I'd still keep that command though, if I were you.
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