Admin NCX panel 1.0 - Nathalis Minecraft Server Admin Panel

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by nathalis, Jun 13, 2020.

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    NCX panel 1.0 - Nathalis Minecraft Server Admin Panel

    NCX Panel 1.0 is a PHP backend Minecraft server control panel for Linux.
    It is possible to install a background process that will start the minecraft server at system startup and the console is just as functional as at normal startup.
    NCX Panel also has additional features other than starting, stopping or sending commands to a server.



    1.) Linux (Ubuntu or Raspbian or something like that)
    2.) PHP
    3.) enabled EXEC function
    4.) SCREEN (sudo apt-get install screen)
    5.) JAVA (sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre)


    1.) Start and stop your server from the web.
    2.) View console and send commands.
    3.) View your servers CPU and RAM usage
    4.) View online players.
    5.) View server status by Query
    6.) Autostart script instalation steps
    7.) Login system

    Default login informations:

    login: admin
    password: admin


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