Placing Blocks on Fake Blocks

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by mine2012craft, Feb 16, 2020.

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    So I'm using ProtocolLib to spawn in fake blocks for players and I want the player to be able to place normal blocks on them, preferably with the BlockPlaceEvent firing off.
    I've managed to prevent the fake block from disappearing on right click, however the blocks it places are fake. I would be able to work with this, however I'm unable to get the material and data of the fake block placed, and the BlockPlaceEvent doesn't fire off either.

    Is there any way to get the material and data of a clientside block? Or is there a way to get the block an item will place?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    You will need to track them yourself. You are the one faking them, so you already know what they are.
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    @timtower he's saying he wants to get data for blocks that are placed clientside only. From what i read the server doesn't place them because from the servers perspective they are not being placed on an actual block.

    @mine2012craft i would say make your fake blocks real blocks, but keep track of which ones are fake. This way players can place blocks on them and you can handle the placement to your liking. After that, you make the 'fake' block disappear or whatever.
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