Solved Working on the next generation of security—join servers with your fingerprint or face.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TurtlesBeast23, Apr 22, 2018.

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    So, I'm working on a plugin where you can join a server and prove that it's you trying to join by simply looking at your screen, or putting your finger on a scanner.

    When you look at the webcam or put your finger on the scanner, it will create a file with millions of positions, the depth and pixel locations that shapes how your fingerprint is shaped or how your face is shaped. It then submits this data via a TLS-encrypted line to our server and the server will check the database to determine whether it's you trying to join or not. We are also planning on adding a feature where you can configure your own database.

    Would this even be possible? I am aware that Minecraft is a sandboxed game so that could be a potential restriction.

    Last edited: Apr 22, 2018
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @TurtlesBeast23 The extra hardware makes it tricky.
    Desktops generally don't have webcams (mine surely doesn't)
    Fingerprint is nasty.
    Can't even get that data across without mods.

    It is overkill in my opinion, two factor authentication seems better, or just the normal Minecraft authentication.
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    To accomplish that, you need extra hardwares for getting fingerprints, mods for minecraft so the client will send the fingerprint to the server, and plugin so the server can analyse the fingerprint and verify the player.
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