
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by chunkaymonkay, Sep 24, 2017.

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    Plugin category: RPG/FUN

    Suggested name: Rifts

    What I want:
    A plugin that brings the "Rift" experience to my server. A Rift is a dimensional breach where monsters can invade the world. How this plugin would work is spawning particles above the ground, to look like a "Rift" and then spawn monsters and bosses for a few minutes before the rift closes, or the waves are completed.

    When a rift opens in the configured world, the players that are in that world will be notified that a rift has opened. Then they can go there to kill the boss .

    It would be cool if you can configure the rift particle effects and waves for mobs, and also that the mobs stays near the rift.

    Ideas for commands:
    /rift - Base command for help and such
    /rift location create [name] - Create a rift location that is preset, these can be used to randomly choose a created location
    /rift create [name]
    /rift delete [name]
    /rift open [name] [riftname] - Opens a rift att the created rift location with the specific rift.

    Ideas for permissions: Basic permissions for the commands and such.

    When I'd like it by: When It's possible :)
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    1. Still can not imagine of how a rift looks. Maybe insert some pictures?
    2. Are there different types of rifts?
    3. How do you define a boss? A wither or an ender dragon?
    4. In general you would have to make a list with all mobs you expect to spawn in a rift.
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    1. could you make it so when a rift is loading make it load a schematic
    2. yes there is 3 types of rifts
    type a. skeletons with leather armor with a wooden axe
    type b. skeletons with iron armor with a iron sword
    type c . skeletons with diamond armor with a diamond sword
    3. a boss would be a wither skeleton with a stone sword
    the boss for a type a rift would be a wither skeleton chainmail armor with an iron sword
    the boss for a type b rift would be a wither skeleton in gold armor with a diamond sword
    the boss for a type c rift would be a wither boss
    4. only the mobs that I named above. and only 20 mobs spawn per rift after the 20 mobs are defeated the boss spawns
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    Bump! please... anyone?


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2017
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