Getting PotionType in ProjectileLaunchEvent

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Artellet, Jul 24, 2017.

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    So, I've been messing around with my plugin for quite a while now, and recently I tried to get involved with messing around with the velocity of splash potions, and have run into a problem.

    This is the event I'm using:
    void onProjectileLaunch(final ProjectileLaunchEvent e) {
    Obviously, I am trying to get the PotionType from a splash potion from "e", however, have had no luck in doing so.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Artellet Get the projectile, check if it is a splash potion, if so: cast it and check the type.
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    or try messing around with PotionSplashEvent.
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    I've tried to do this, however, my IDE complains about it being an inconvertible type.
    I'm messing around with velocity, and I'm pretty sure I cannot modify the velocity from this event.
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    @Artellet try:
        void onProjectileLaunch(final ProjectileLaunchEvent e) {
            if(e.getEntityType() == EntityType.SPLASH_POTION){
                ThrownPotion potion = (ThrownPotion) e.getEntity();
                for(PotionEffect effect : potion.getEffects()){
                    PotionEffectType effecttype= effect.getType();
                    if(effecttype == PotionEffectType.INVISIBILITY){
                        //do stuf
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Then you might have the wrong type.
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    I would need to use PotionType, not PotionEffectType, as it does not work at all.

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