Plugin Help How much Java do I need to know?

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by DominicGamesHD, Jul 23, 2017.

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    The title says it all, but I have been told to learn Java before I go into bukkit development. So my main question is how many elements and how much Java do I need to know?

    Thanks in advance
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    Machine Maker

    I learned the basic syntax of java and most of the basic tools before I started coding. An easy thing to do is to watch some youtube vids.
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    I have tried so many YouTube videos, but I always get confused and couldn't learn from them.
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    Machine Maker

    @DominicGamesHD Hmm, I always found them useful. Well there is a lot about java you can just learn from writing plugins or watching youtube videos of people making plugins. Have you tried those? There is one series I know of that is going on right now. Link
    DominicGamesHD likes this.
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    Thank you very much, can't wait to try this series out <3 xx
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    For starting out, you need to know three basic things:
    1. The syntax for java and how to use its operations.
    2. How to troubleshoot and read error logs.
    3. How to learn new methods/ how to use google.
    Once you have these things covered, everything else will come naturally while writing plugins.
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