
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by ItzSomebody, Apr 11, 2017.

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    Plugin category: Admin Tools

    Minecraft version: 1.7.10/1.8.8/1.9.4/1.10.2/1.11

    Suggested name: BanWaves

    What I want:
    You know the basic idea. You add players to the BanWave, execute it, which does a mass ban supposedly preventing the players from knowing what they were banned for (assuming you are using an anticheat with it).

    Since there aren't any good ones out there. This is just a useful thought

    Ideas for commands:

    /banwave (alias: banwaves) - Splash text
    /banwave add <player> - Add a player to the banwave
    /banwave remove <player> - Remove a player from the banwave
    /banwave on - Turn it on
    /banwave off - Turn it off
    /banwave execute - Force execute the banwave
    /banwave list - See who is in the BanWave
    /banwave check <player> - See if a specific player is in the BanWave
    /banwave help - Returns this command list

    Ideas for permissions:

    /banwave - None of course, the whole purpose of splash text is to see who wrote the plugin
    /banwave add <player> - banwave.add
    /banwave remove <player> - banwave.remove
    /banwave on - banwave.on
    /banwave off -
    /banwave execute - banwave.execute
    /banwave list - banwave.list
    /banwave check <player> - banwave.check
    /banwave help -

    When I'd like it by: Anytime is fine, I am in no rush

    The config.yml:

    The config would be of something like
    ### BanWaves vX.X ###
    # Time between each banwave in seconds
    banWaveTime = 86400
    # Message to show when the BanWave is executed. The {banned} variable shows how many players were in the BanWave list. Use "\n" or "|-" to make a new line banWaveMessage = "BanWave has been executed! {banned} have been banned"
    # Header to show when any BanWave plugin is run
    banWaveHeader = "&7------&8=[&cBanWave &aList&8]=&7-------"
    # Footer to show when any BanWave plugins is run
    banWaveFooter = "&7------------------"
    # Message to show when "/banwave on" is run
    banWaveOn = "BanWave has been &aenabled"
    # Message to show when "/banwave off" is run
    banWaveOff = "BanWave has been &cdisabled"
    # Message to show when "/banwave" has an incorrect argument like "/banwave ThisIsObviouslyNotACommand"
    banWaveIncorrectArgument = "&cUnknown sub-command, for help use '/banwave help'"
    # Message to show when "/banwave check" is run. The {checkPlayer} variable will either print "is" or "is not"
    banWaveCheck = "{player} {checkPlayer} in the BanWave"
    # Storage method. Valid types are MySQL, SQLite and YAML
    storageType = YAML
    # If SQL is chosen as a storage method, uncomment the lines below
    #Port: 3306
    #User: root
    #Password: password123
    #Database: nameofdatabase
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2017
  2. Offline


    I like this idea, I will start making this now!

    UPDATE: I have finished the plugin and will post it tomorrow. I still want to test some thing, also keep in mind that the plugin is not exactly how you wanted and I haven't been making plugins for too long so its probably not the best code. I also plan to add more config options for the rest of the messages.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2017
  3. Offline


    Ok thanks!
  4. Offline


    Here: Release-1.0.jar?dl=0
    I havent tested too much so let me know if there are any bugs.

    /banwave - Lists commands.
    /banwave add <Player> - banwave.add
    /banwave remove <Player> - banwave.remove
    /banwave force - banwave.force
    /banwave list - banwave.list
    /banwave check <Player> - banwave.check
    /banwave unban <Player> - banwave.unban

    EDIT: banwave.* - Gives all perms
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2017
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @ClassifiedDev You need to hit "share link"
    You now have a link that just works for you.
  6. Offline


    Fixed. Ive never used Dropbox before :p
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