Duplication Patch

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by lachlanwalshy, Mar 31, 2017.

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    I understand that there are plugins out there that patch the plugin I am about to request, if anyone does know of a good one (preferably free) that would be great if you linked me to it.

    I am in need of someone to fix some duplication glitches for me - jumping ontop of a ghost block and using /pv 1 to take an item out leave the pv then reopen and the item is still there I also need this patched for /echest and any other GUIs that give you access to storage.

    The way I want it to work, if a player falls into a ghost block or lily pad/carpet and finds themself glitching up and down and they try to open a gui such as /pv 1 or /chest the server will instantly close the GUI.

    Thank you for any help you may provide,
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