ColorCodes in IngameChat?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by OverDodo, Feb 10, 2017.

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    I want Players with the Permission "Chat.Colored" be able to write with colors in chat, using "&" instead of "§"
    How can I do that?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    If you are learning Java, you may want to figure out how the Javadocs work. Look for a method that changes (hint: translates) color codes.
    Rayzr522 likes this.
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    And to add on what @ipodtouch0218 said, Docs are a great tool that you shall refer to, and doing your research is also important however 'asking the internet' for answers to a problem will in most cases get you an answer fast but there will be no guarantee that this answer is efficient, 'good', or up-to-date. In the docs you will find information to build your answer but there you know that the docs are up to date and accurate ;) If you have doughts doubts about the solution you found, you can post it to us and ask us to have a look! :D

    Edit: Cheers @Rayzr522 Gosh i will never learn how to spell...
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
    Rayzr522 likes this.
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    @mine-care doubts* ;)

    @OverDodo if you have a plugin like Essentials, there is a simple permission that converts color codes using &. If you want to do this yourself, then yes, look through the ChatColor documentation.
    mine-care likes this.
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